Did anybody see that hit on Fiedler in the Jets game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Did anybody see that hit on Fiedler in the Jets game


"Shaq is Back in Black"
May 27, 2004
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WOW fiedler just got stuck by EJ henderson, man you'll see that on ESPN tomorrow. What a hit, but he's a soldier, he got right up.
Fielder has always been one tough SOB, with alot of heart.
One tough SOB who got right back up, threw a TD and ran one in as well.

Jay Fiedler 2/5 35 Yards 1 TD

He also had the QB sneak which got him a TD too.

Kinda makes ya wonder how amazing it is to see a new offense and system work out for the best with someone.
Good thing he will be sitting on the bench this year watching the games.

I know alot of you wont like this but Fiedler was a better QB than he was ALLOWED to be while he was here. He helped KILL us in that Jax playoff game years back and I remember hearing wanny saying they (coaches) were coaching him to "just throw the ball deep and let the reciever make a play", like he wasn't supposed to try to make a good throw2 just throw it high and deep and let Chambers fight for it. If you remember, he rarely hit anyone in stride on deep stuff untill the Dallas game on Thanx day. I really believe that was by design. wanny was a coaching IDIOT! That is why he ne never tried to get a real upgrade at QB. He wasnt going to turn him loose anyway.

Probably a good man, definatly a LOUSY COACH.
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