Did we sign Cleo Lemon yet? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Did we sign Cleo Lemon yet?


Island Dolphin
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Maui, Hawaii
and If he is not signed then why is he not signed? The Dolphins need to get Lemon under contract right away. Some people may say why but we need him for his Playbook smarts and knowing the system. He adds a lot of needed depth at the position of quarterback. I still think he would be a great QB if the Dolphins just gave him the chance but I do not think that will ever happen and he will be a career backup.:ninja:
You guys misunderstand me. Next seasons starter because culp will prob get injured and any rookie we bring in won't be ready. More of an overture to how unlucky this team is :/.
Do you guys even read the paper? Watch any NFL network lately? Trent Green will be the starter.

And Cleo Lemon is whack. I dont know why people on here hyped him up so much. He's really not very good. He will be 2nd string at best.

And for the last time Culpepper is beyond gone from this team. June 1st cant get here fast enough so I can finally stop hearing about Culpepper winning some so called camp battle.
Do you guys even read the paper? Watch any NFL network lately? Trent Green will be the starter.

And Cleo Lemon is whack. I dont know why people on here hyped him up so much. He's really not very good. He will be 2nd string at best.

And for the last time Culpepper is beyond gone from this team. June 1st cant get here fast enough so I can finally stop hearing about Culpepper winning some so called camp battle.

Yes, I read the paper. And that paper told me that Trent Green/cheifs are also talking to the Browns right now. So its not a given that he will even be on our roster.

Cleo was our best quarterback last year stat wise. He also knows this offense as well as Trent Green. So if the Green situation doesnt work out, and the Chiefs are asking too much in compensation, then we can just fall back on Cleo and not give up anything.

And no one really knows anything about the culpepper situation here in Miami. I dont know why you are so fast in wanting him out of Miami. What did he do? Also a Camp battle at qb isnt such a bad thing, especially for this team. Earn their roster spots.
fans love have man love for young 3rd stringers... like Sage Rosenfels a few years back
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