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daywalker said:
Did anyone read the article in the Herald about our HC. Wanny wants everyone just to feel the love. If we just get the right attitude maybe they can make up for all my screw ups. This from a guy who is the major problem with the team. If we win this year it will be despite of Wanny. :fire:

I can't count how many times I've heard posters say if the Fins win it's "despite of DW"
So lets just have the players coach the team too. :rolleyes:

I don't think you can blame one or the other, it's a little of both, the players and DW.

P.S. Muck we really need to get that B.S. Meter that M83 has and add it to the FH collection. It's a classic. :lol:
Do you know the difference between a good call or a bad call by a coach?

The good call works. The bad call doesn't.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
Do you know the difference between a good call or a bad call by a coach?

The good call works. The bad call doesn't.

That statement is so off base! A coach can call a perfect play but if it doesn't work it's his fault! If it works the player made a great play!
Bottom line is not everything that goes wrong is the coaches fault, not that he doesn't take some of the blame! I seems that more than not most people don't put enough responcibility on the players for getting things done! The coach can only put players in a position to make plays after that the players just have to get it done!
Muck said:

Coaching blunders my @$$. In reality, MIAMI won the toss in overtime and elected to receive. The Patriots then chose the side (and for us to drive towards the dirt). Surely you didn't forget about the big scene the Patriots made when it appeared as if the umpire botched the coin toss call ("It's tails dude!!").

And I can't believe Wanny is still getting blamed for Mare missing in the dirt. Like he's never kicked from it before. And it's not like Mare didn't practice from the dirt. What I remember reading was that Wanny asked him if he wanted MORE practice from the dirt, and Mare said he was "ok to go". I'm not saying that last part is gospel. But that's how I remember it (again, I could be mistaken).

But the point is, Mare has been kicking off the Pro Player dirt since 1997. I think he knows what to expect. And I think this is a mountain made out of a molehill.

At some point, you have to let the players do their jobs. Especially players who are the highest paid at their positions.

I totally agree with you! Mare chocked bottom line!
I still think the whole miss was Steve Bartmens fault anyway! If the Cubs get the out and win the game then the Marlins don't win the Series and there is not dirt at that time of the year! So once again it's Bartmen Fault! :D
shalafi3455 said:
That statement is so off base! A coach can call a perfect play but if it doesn't work it's his fault! If it works the player made a great play!
Bottom line is not everything that goes wrong is the coaches fault, not that he doesn't take some of the blame! I seems that more than not most people don't put enough responcibility on the players for getting things done! The coach can only put players in a position to make plays after that the players just have to get it done!

have you listened to commentators and fans. Rarely does a play that works, works dispite the coaches bad call and visa versa.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
have you listened to commentators and fans. Rarely does a play that works, works dispite the coaches bad call and visa versa.

So you have never seem players make something happen out of a busted play or a player miss say a wide open pass on a good play?
My whole thing is it seems that if a play doesn't work it's the coaches fault and if it does then it's the player that made the play work! I'm not a huge Wannsted fan, but I think he gets way to much blame for players not getting the job done at times, is all!
shalafi3455 said:
So you have never seem players make something happen out of a busted play or a player miss say a wide open pass on a good play?
My whole thing is it seems that if a play doesn't work it's the coaches fault and if it does then it's the player that made the play work! I'm not a huge Wannsted fan, but I think he gets way to much blame for players not getting the job done at times, is all!

I really think you do not get my point. Understandable, sarcasm is hard to get acrossed online.
Muck said:

Coaching blunders my @$$. In reality, MIAMI won the toss in overtime and elected to receive. The Patriots then chose the side (and for us to drive towards the dirt). Surely you didn't forget about the big scene the Patriots made when it appeared as if the umpire botched the coin toss call ("It's tails dude!!").

And I can't believe Wanny is still getting blamed for Mare missing in the dirt. Like he's never kicked from it before. And it's not like Mare didn't practice from the dirt. What I remember reading was that Wanny asked him if he wanted MORE practice from the dirt, and Mare said he was "ok to go". I'm not saying that last part is gospel. But that's how I remember it (again, I could be mistaken).

But the point is, Mare has been kicking off the Pro Player dirt since 1997. I think he knows what to expect. And I think this is a mountain made out of a molehill.

At some point, you have to let the players do their jobs. Especially players who are the highest paid at their positions.
what about going for the two point conversation against the Texans. Did that make sense to you ?
Boy oh boy, does anybody else smell the stench of cow manure coming off this thread? Let's see Wannstedt got beat up in a bar in Pittsburgh in the 70s and his brains were so scrambled he forgot to tell Olindo to make the kick that would have whipped New England. That's how stupid some of this stuff sounds. People don't normally say the Dolphins won despite Wannstedt, that lofty slot belongs to our beloved Q.B., Jay Fiedler. The Dolphins won despite Fiedler, sound familiar? Let's talk facts. Wannstedt the G.M. let himself down badly. He failed as a G.M. and that's why he was pulled out of the job. He wasn't good at it. Guys, like it or not Wannstedt is considered a pretty good Football Coach by most people that are in the know. I'm not a Wannstedt lover by any means but he has legitimate credentials such as Super Bowl rings as a coordinator. I think we will all be very happy with the team this year as long as the turmoil is over with. No more stink bombs like the Marino thing, our best player flunking drug tests or anymore reshuffling of the Coaches. Without the pressure of being the G.M. we will see a more relaxed, less overworked Head Coach. Dave only has to wear one hat, Head Coach of the Miami Dolphins. My biggest problem with Wannstedt is his absurd love for Jay Fiedlers' game. Jay needs to hold the clipboard because we have seen how far we can go with him and it's not far enough. ALot is riding on Feeley coming around in time for the real games. As I've said before I have faith in Marc Trestman to have the kid as ready as he's going to be. At some point he's either got it or he doesn't. If he doesn't we're holding some tough cards because we're looking at Fiedler starting again and he doesn't measure up talentwise. Every Q.B. we face is better than him so it's an uphill battle coming out of the locker room. I'm used to Miami having the likes of Griese (Bob) and Marino so it's extra tough to watch a third rate guy like Fiedler with the keys to our offense. Spielman went out and got Feeley. Let's see how smart he is and what we get back for our second rounder. If we didn't have to take a O-Lineman at #1 we could have had Losman. If he turns out to be a star for the Bills how pissed will we all be? Very!! Let's be fair, Dave the G.M. stunk and has been replaced, let's hope some things fall our way such as the O-Line coming together in a big way and A.J. Feeley stepping in and playing great Football for our Dolphins. Man, something has to happen good for this team!!
Ahem, winning a Superbowl (1) as a coordinator does not make Wannstedt a great head coach. The league has a long history of coordinators that just weren't cut to be head coaches, much like how Wanny was not cut out to be a GM. By the way, I noticed Dallas in that run managed to win two more Superbowls without the greatness of Dave Wannstedt.

How long did it take John Fox to turn Carolina into a Superbowl team from a bottom feeder? 2 years. Wannstedt in ten years as a head coach has managed only 3 playoff seasons and his best year was a wildcard win in OT.

He inherited a top five defense when he got here and managed to do worse every season and get further from the playoffs every season.

Wannstedt's philosophy is that of a coach that is more afraid of making a mistake and losing than one who is confident of going out and beating the other team, he therefore limits his offense's attack and plays for a close game in the 4th quarter hoping the other team makes a mistake and loses.

This type of loser mentality permeates the team's psyche and creates the late season flops we grown accustomed too.
NoOffense said:
Wannstedt's philosophy is that of a coach that is more afraid of making a mistake and losing than one who is confident of going out and beating the other team, he therefore limits his offense's attack and plays for a close game in the 4th quarter hoping the other team makes a mistake and loses.

This type of loser mentality permeates the team's psyche and creates the late season flops we grown accustomed too.

I don't think our our offensive personnel have allowed for any other type of mentality the last few years. Sorry, but I can't see our offense going for the throat more than they did. #1 we couldn't block. #2 nobody could get open. #3 the QB couldn't deliver the ball when we were open. We left a lot of points on the field the last two years. And that blame lies at the feet of the players.

Also, John Fox inherited a very good OL (which they futher improved), both his WRs, most of his defense, and a lot of high draft picks. Not saying he didn't do a GREAT job coaching, because he and his staff most certainly did. But he did walk into about as good a 1-15 situation as there is. There was a lot of young talent already aboard.
gordolphin said:
what about going for the two point conversation against the Texans. Did that make sense to you ?

I didn't disagree with it. The Texans were moving up and down the field at will that afternoon. They had just scored 10 on their last two posessions. And Ricky had just countered with a 35-yard TD reception. The team was hyped.

The 2 would have put us up 7. If Wanny goes for 1, he gets mocked because a TD and extra point would put Houston up 22-21. To boot, the "conservative" tag gets thrown at him. So he went for it (for the football reasons).

And you know what happened the very next drive?? Houston drove right down the field from their 18 to our 6....encountering only two 3rd downs before getting inside our 10 while eating up nearly 8 minutes of clock. Fortunately, we held to a FG. But Wanny was right to go for 2 IMO.

It's funny. Wanny gets hammered for not taking chances and going for the throat. Then when he does and the team flounders, he's called an idiot.

Again, when the team starts executing and playing better offensively, Wanny will come off better in the eyes of some. Then again, I'm sure we'll still be winning "in spite" of him according to others.
I am not sure Wanny's biggest problem is his coaching as much as it was his GM skills. Now that he doesn't have final say on players he might be better.
My fear is he will stay loyal to Feidler and let him start again. And this will result in more conservative playcalling and an inability for the offense to execute which, in turn, will make Wanny look bad. All because if a lack of ability at a key position. Being so stubborn in sticking with Feidler the last 4 years and not bringing in quality competition (no, Lucas and Griese don't count) has been one of Wanny's biggest problem.
I am sometimes critical of Wanny's coaching but I think alot of the time he is being handcuffed by his offense and/or Feidler. If Feeley does in fact win the starters job, maybe we will see what Wanny is really made of as a coach.
pigskinguy My fear is he will stay loyal to Feidler and let him start again. Being so stubborn in sticking with Feidler the last 4 years and not bringing in quality competition (no said:
Wanny, the GM, gave Wanny, the coach, no choice but to stick with Fiedler. He has clearly been the best QB on the roster for the last 4 years.

Griese was considered by most to be quality competition.
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