Do football players even wear leg pads anymore? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Do football players even wear leg pads anymore?


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May 7, 2005
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Looking around the NFL, i have to wonder if even 25% of players wear anything more than a helmet, shoulder pads and cup anymore.

I mean, take a look at some of these guys and explain to me how they're so desperate for a competitive edge (speed) that they'll expose themselves to serious injury every week?

No thigh pad? Here, enjoy a deep thigh bruise. See you in 5 weeks.

I know pads don't necessarily prevent all injuries (especially the helmet, which I feel is far too hard already and a weapon to other players), but I wonder what kind of affect would be made if the league made hip, thigh, knee and elbow pads mandatory for all -- to even the playing field, of course. Would it cut down on some nagging injuries?

To anyone who's played football before, please try and remember how hard a helmet was. Now try and imagine a 250-350 pound player charging into your exposed flesh with that bowling ball with a face mask. It's a wonder these guys don't go completely numb on some of these collisions.

Heck, if they're going to keep scrapping equipment, why not do away with the shoulder pads and the helmet altogether? Certainly would keep players from leading with their heads all day, which is what causes most of these temporary paralysis injuries anyway...

I dunno... I'm bored.. sorry
Haven't noticed but then again havent watched as many games as usual this season(TV problems).
I remeber Ed McCaffery always used to wear the smallest shoulder pads avaiable and absolutley no leg pads. It is pretty crazy.
PressCoverage said:
Looking around the NFL, i have to wonder if even 25% of players wear anything more than a helmet, shoulder pads and cup anymore.

I mean, take a look at some of these guys and explain to me how they're so desperate for a competitive edge (speed) that they'll expose themselves to serious injury every week?

No thigh pad? Here, enjoy a deep thigh bruise. See you in 5 weeks.

I know pads don't necessarily prevent all injuries (especially the helmet, which I feel is far too hard already and a weapon to other players), but I wonder what kind of affect would be made if the league made hip, thigh, knee and elbow pads mandatory for all -- to even the playing field, of course. Would it cut down on some nagging injuries?

To anyone who's played football before, please try and remember how hard a helmet was. Now try and imagine a 250-350 pound player charging into your exposed flesh with that bowling ball with a face mask. It's a wonder these guys don't go completely numb on some of these collisions.

Heck, if they're going to keep scrapping equipment, why not do away with the shoulder pads and the helmet altogether? Certainly would keep players from leading with their heads all day, which is what causes most of these temporary paralysis injuries anyway...

I dunno... I'm bored.. sorry

Here's a quote from Tim Greens book "The Dark Side of the Game"..."You would think with all the tooth-loosening hits delivered on every play during an NFL game that players would do everything within the realm of science and religion to protect their family jewels. The hard facts are that protective cups, as they are known, are as uncommon in the NFL as painted toenails. Guys just don't wear them."
I never wear a cup, honestly it would take a real direct hit to get hit there. I wear small leg pads for mobility but going without would be nuts.
unifiedtheory said:
Here's a quote from Tim Greens book "The Dark Side of the Game"..."You would think with all the tooth-loosening hits delivered on every play during an NFL game that players would do everything within the realm of science and religion to protect their family jewels. The hard facts are that protective cups, as they are known, are as uncommon in the NFL as painted toenails. Guys just don't wear them."

that's just amazing to me... wow...
HugeFinFan said:
How can you not wear a cup? :eek:

I never wore a cup, only a jock. I would be surprised to find any pro football players wearing a hard cup.

We ain't playin' baseball here toots.:goof:
They say Eric Dickerson used to empty the equipment managers cage he wore so much stuff.
I wore a cup once and being on the bottom of a pile, it actually led to more pain than without. Thigh boards suck and the knee pads in the pants do very little. I always used thigh boards but hated them. If you can't play through bumps and bruises you shouldn't be willing to suit up in the first place.
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