FinHeaven VIP
That this off season there will not be TONS of threads everytime anyone gets released saying "we should sign him" ? I was going to joke about it, but there is even one about picking up Schottenheimer.
Just because someone is out there, or might be out there, doesn't mean that he would help the team. There are cap concerns(Arrington) , injury concerns( Petitgout) as well as character concerns (Moss, Owens).
I do like to discuss the possibilities some of these players might bring to the team, but please think about it before you post. There doesn't have to be 8 threads that the mods have to search out and merge for each and every player. There is also a thread specifically for free agents.
Okay, that being said, Go out and pick up Tony Romo from the Cowboys (A Joke):tongue:
Just because someone is out there, or might be out there, doesn't mean that he would help the team. There are cap concerns(Arrington) , injury concerns( Petitgout) as well as character concerns (Moss, Owens).
I do like to discuss the possibilities some of these players might bring to the team, but please think about it before you post. There doesn't have to be 8 threads that the mods have to search out and merge for each and every player. There is also a thread specifically for free agents.
Okay, that being said, Go out and pick up Tony Romo from the Cowboys (A Joke):tongue: