Dolphin Digest..... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphin Digest.....


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Sep 11, 2002
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Home of the first Night Football Game really sucks when you recieve the denver winning issue three days AFTER we lose to buffalo!!!!

oh well...the bright side is that it can cheer me up after the buffalo loss and during the bye.
We have had the same problem with our Dolphin Digest. I have only received it BEFORE a game once this year. The rest of the time it is at least a week late. It is supposed to mailed three days after the last game.
I have the same problem with them, they want you to pay extra for first class mail and even with that there was still times I did't get it till after the next game.

girlphan what part of buckeye country are you in
I had the Dolphin Digest for three years. I canceled it this year. By the time I recieved the issue, I had read everything that was inside somewhere on the internet or heard locally on Dolphin radio station WQAM. There was a time before the internet when it was the best source of in depth Dolphin news. With the internet now you can get every interview, every report, everything including the players own web sites.
They also increased the price to an outrageous amount. So, I couldn't justify paying that much for re-hashed news. You know what? I don't miss it a bit.
Originally posted by HofCityFan
I have the same problem with them, they want you to pay extra for first class mail and even with that there was still times I did't get it till after the next game.

girlphan what part of buckeye country are you in

We live in Sylvania, just outside of Toledo.
I subscribed to DD since the early 80's and cancelled this year because they have the cohanes to tell me that I should be charged extra for special delivery when not having meant their pub. was worthless; and they charge extra for their web site :fire:
I personally don't see how anyone can charge for news and commentary about the Dolphins. I mean, seriously... whatever they have I am sure you can find it somewhere else on the internet in some way or another... and it will be free.

I believe the Sun Sentinel just opened their own little "fan site" in which they have news and stuff... but they charge you... its simply crazy. I guess its for people that have too much money and don't know what to do with it... lmao... :lol:

Oh well... thats just my opinion...
F#ck the Dolphins Digest!!

I had the Dolphin Digest for three years. I canceled it this year. By the time I recieved the issue, I had read everything that was inside somewhere on the internet or heard locally on Dolphin radio station WQAM. There was a time before the internet when it was the best source of in depth Dolphin news. With the internet now you can get every interview, every report, everything including the players own web sites.
They also increased the price to an outrageous amount. So, I couldn't justify paying that much for re-hashed news. You know what? I don't miss it a bit.

I agree 100%!! How can they charge so much for SO LITTLE!!

How can you guys pay that much for information that is readily available for FREE!! I really don't understand that!

I subscribed to it for 2 years back in 1995 and never renewed my subscription because of the internet.

Talk about a scam! :yell:
DD's time has passed them by. Don't be mad at them they are probably just trying to hang on somehow. There's no way that they could NOT be feeling the pinch of the internet.

Remember there are employees and families on the DD staff who are close to losing their jobs. How many people out of the few responses that this topic has gotten have already cancelled their sub? Desperation often leads to stupid decisions. I think that DD as we have known it for years will not be around much longer.
Actually, A.J., I got the Dolphin Digest for my hubby and son. We live in Ohio and there are no print materials available with Dolphins info. Between coaching my son's football team and work my husband just doesn't have time to surf the net. That is one of the reasons I am on here getting fins info instead of him. I don't, however, think I will renew next year. My son will be in middle school and my hubby will no longer be able to coach so my hubby will have more free time. You are right, they really do not give any original information.
DD was always essential bathroom reading material for me and I have yet to install a wireless lan in my house or run a cable line to the :toliet:
it is also bathroom fodder for me as well. i don't mind the info, it is the timelyness. i understand that you can subscribe on line but, like you d39, i haven't run a cat 5 line to the
Well, I'm with AJ on this one. There is no way I'd pay for anything like that.

From what I hear, the service is crap, their articles are the same I can find on the net, and then they want to charge you again for the same news just on a different media. Eh, guess they'll never see my $$.

Besides, there's already enough of us here that if something pop's up on the net, we post the link to it so we all get the news either way. Oh yeah, lets not forget that most of the people on here at least know who's on the roster unlike those monkeys.
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