Dolphin Players Receive Awards | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphin Players Receive Awards


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Sep 2, 2001
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Atlanta, GA
[intro]<img border="0" src="" align="right" width="150" height="104" alt="Miami Dolphins receiver Chris Chambers received the Newcomer of the Year Award">Chris Chambers, Zach Thomas, Derrick Rodgers and Twan Russell won awards at the Dolphins’ annual Kickoff Banquet on Wednesday night at the Signature Grand Hotel.

Thomas won the Dan Marino Most Valuable Player Award, the second of his career.

Rodgers won his second consecutive Leadership Award, and Russell won the Community Service Award.[/intro]

While Chambers was quite the star player last season, he was surprised to be voted as the Newcomer of the Year by the South Florida media.

Chambers finished with 48 receptions for 883 yards and seven touchdowns, establishing team rookie records for receiving yards and touchdowns.

"I just thought I was going to be at the banquet like everybody else," Chambers said. "Now they say I’ve got to make a speech. I don’t even know what I’m going to wear. Now I have to look a little better than I wanted to. It’s rough on me right now."
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