Its very disappointing to see this team lose games you feel they should win, however a very wise man once said about football teams "you are what you are" and Miami is a losing team.
Winners win and losers lose, winning teams find away to overcome adversity(Tampa wins w/o Caddilac & Griese) they also over come selfinflicted trouble(penalty's & Turnovers) losers explain away the lose by saying we must overcome defeating ourself's with TO's & Penalty's.
The fact is that this Miami team is basically a vetern team filled with mediocre vetern players...almost to a man these guys have played in the league without much fanfare.....T.Jones...V.Holliday....S.McDougle....D.Spraguen....G.Freroute(sp?)...M.Booker....and so on.
So talent level is at best average(which cant be fixed) however the performance level(actual execution) is below average and that can be
fixed(if players continue with penaltys BENCH the player)if they continue to miss wide open receivers or WR drop catchable passes bench them....defense if players want to throw their body at a ball carrier instead of TACKLE then bench these players.
The season opened with a great and unexpected win, now with fans expectations high this team is starting to show its true colors(not a very good team) fans should be honest and look at Miami for what it is a bad football QB, poor O-line, mediocre WR's, overrated defense.
In time Saban may have the kind of team he wants however right now this is a bad, old football team.
If Miami is to make any noice the rest of the season they must find on offense away to score points(and find focus on offense having 2 RB's playing at the same time only splits the offensive focus it doesnt help it) and as for the defense they must find away to cover the only receiver the offense try's to throw too( S.Smith...L.Evens...J.Galloway)
and create turnovers ..( I am willing to waite and see but this isnt a revolutionary or even a very creative defense that all fans where led to believe Miami would have) where is all the exotic fronts and usage of Jason Taylor Saban claimed was going to take place????
Oh well I have said enough, Miami our Dolphins are what they are.....
old and bad...... lets hope things get better.
Its very disappointing to see this team lose games you feel they should win, however a very wise man once said about football teams "you are what you are" and Miami is a losing team.
Winners win and losers lose, winning teams find away to overcome adversity(Tampa wins w/o Caddilac & Griese) they also over come selfinflicted trouble(penalty's & Turnovers) losers explain away the lose by saying we must overcome defeating ourself's with TO's & Penalty's.
The fact is that this Miami team is basically a vetern team filled with mediocre vetern players...almost to a man these guys have played in the league without much fanfare.....T.Jones...V.Holliday....S.McDougle....D.Spraguen....G.Freroute(sp?)...M.Booker....and so on.
So talent level is at best average(which cant be fixed) however the performance level(actual execution) is below average and that can be
fixed(if players continue with penaltys BENCH the player)if they continue to miss wide open receivers or WR drop catchable passes bench them....defense if players want to throw their body at a ball carrier instead of TACKLE then bench these players.
The season opened with a great and unexpected win, now with fans expectations high this team is starting to show its true colors(not a very good team) fans should be honest and look at Miami for what it is a bad football QB, poor O-line, mediocre WR's, overrated defense.
In time Saban may have the kind of team he wants however right now this is a bad, old football team.
If Miami is to make any noice the rest of the season they must find on offense away to score points(and find focus on offense having 2 RB's playing at the same time only splits the offensive focus it doesnt help it) and as for the defense they must find away to cover the only receiver the offense try's to throw too( S.Smith...L.Evens...J.Galloway)
and create turnovers ..( I am willing to waite and see but this isnt a revolutionary or even a very creative defense that all fans where led to believe Miami would have) where is all the exotic fronts and usage of Jason Taylor Saban claimed was going to take place????
Oh well I have said enough, Miami our Dolphins are what they are.....
old and bad...... lets hope things get better.