Thank you to the OP.
Yes, I was at this game too. Its funny to watch this video, because I was on the opposite side of the my memories was seeing all the plays go to the right, not left.
Joe Theisman called it an "instant classic." This was my first ever Miami Dolphins game in person. That crowd was absolutely insane. You hear the "We reeeeady.....we reeeaddyy" song in the background? They must have played that about a DOZEN times that night to intimidate our team. That crowd...what they do is called "Bronco Thunder"...and every fan in the stadium STOMPS as loud as they can on the ground while they scream. It is the loudest **** I've ever heard in any stadium - AND I've been to Seattle during the Shawn Alexander years.
Yes, Jay Fiedler DID break his finger before that final drive which made the comeback all the more epic.
In that final moment (I was on the Broncos side of the stadium) went SO QUIET and me and a couple Dolphins fans in the area were going crazy amongst 100's of people. Honestly, despite being there and how much it means to me personally...its one of the best Phins games since the Marino years. We were relevant...we just beat a good team to move to 5-1, and things were looking so promising for us with Ricky.
Wanny ruined it all...but just think - our team would never be the way it is today without all that crap in the middle. Were finally relevant again...and here we go back to Mile High - this time to take on Peyton Manning. I expect to witness another classic bout.
I will wear my Jason Taylor jersey (the lucky jersey from that game) AGAIN. I will be screaming my head off AGAIN.
Sunday can't come soon enough.