Dolphins fans among NFL’s ‘worst fans’ | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins fans among NFL’s ‘worst fans’


Active Roster
Aug 10, 2008
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Pattaya, Thailand
So let me see if I understand. If you have a family of 4 and do not want to shell out $400-$600 dollars every time your team has a game, that makes you a bad fan? Give me a break :err:

Congratulations, Dolphins fans, you still suck!

Do you remember this time last year, where we discussed a study from Emory University that looked to use “hard data” in a “very controlled and statistically careful fashion” at the 32 teams in the NFL in an effort to find the “best” fans in the league? If you do not, you can check it out here. Basically, the study “took a look at how much a fan base pays for tickets to a game and how much a team makes in a year based on multiplying the attendance for the year by the ticket prices. The conclusion then suggests that, a team that is willing to pay more for tickets is therefore a better fan base.”
Well, it has been a year, so guess what? The study is back and, Dolphins fans still suck.
Last year, the Dolphins were ranked 32nd. This year, they are ranked 27th.
Personally I don't buy that at all. We have die hard fans all over the country and yet teams like New England have better fans just because of the bandwagon?
Progress :up:

That's what I was thinking as soon as I saw that you guys moved up. Last year when Miami came to Washington, we took over the stadium, and we definitely pay more per game than you guys in Miami..and the guys up in NY when they take over the stadium up there pay more than we I don't get how it's based on price, where there's a lot of fans, we show up. And you can best believe when Miami comes to Baltimore this year, we'll be there in mass. I already have my tickets for the Dec. 4th match up.
25 years ago it was probably the exact opposite. No one, anywhere, wants to pay high prices to watch a terrible or mediocre product. Patriot fans being number 1 is a total joke.
Time well spent by the people at Emory University :rolleyes2: . What are they going to waste their time on next? Which fans wear the fanciest clothes? How many Patsy fans would lick Brady's nuts if given the opportunity? What Roger Goodell had for lunch during a 6 month study? There are endless possibilities and the prestigious Emory University are the huckleberries for the job.
That's what I was thinking as soon as I saw that you guys moved up. Last year when Miami came to Washington, we took over the stadium, and we definitely pay more per game than you guys in Miami..and the guys up in NY when they take over the stadium up there pay more than we I don't get how it's based on price, where there's a lot of fans, we show up. And you can best believe when Miami comes to Baltimore this year, we'll be there in mass. I already have my tickets for the Dec. 4th match up.

So do I.
Actually according to this t shirt we are the top fans in our division :up:


Dolphin fans are the worst. The Toronto Raptor fans gave their team a long standing ovation when they were eliminated from the playoffs. In the same situation I feel like Dolphin fans would have littered the field with molatov ****tails and tarred and feathered at least one member of the team.
Dolphin fans are the worst. The Toronto Raptor fans gave their team a long standing ovation when they were eliminated from the playoffs. In the same situation I feel like Dolphin fans would have littered the field with molatov ****tails and tarred and feathered at least one member of the team.

Funny I dont remember that happening or even close in 2008
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