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Dolphins get mixed reviews


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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• The praise: ''The biggest thing they needed was speed and excitement'' and they got that, Casserly said. ''They're a better team.'' And though some believe Porter has declined, Casserly said: ``People I trust feel he can still play. What's going to help him is Jason Taylor.''

All three like rookie QB John Beck. ''He completed almost 70 percent of his passes [at BYU in '06], and that usually translates into the pros,'' Brandt said.

Interesting read, but like everyone else "the quessing game".
The part about all three liking John Beck is music to my ears. For all the points of contention with the rest of Miami's moves, if that move alone pans out, it will make most of the other moves moot points anyway.

In this league if you want to be successful you get a successful quarterback. Period.
While it is enticing to read into the so-called "experts" and their analysis of our beloved team, I don't give it much merit this early in the off-season. Recall last year? Many, many of those "experts" predicted that the Dolphins would represent the AFC in the Super Bowl in Miami. Of course, the outcome of the season was a far cry from that. I'm excited to see what the new season will bring, but forgive me for ignoring these people until September 9.
I really do have my fingers croosed about John Beck. Most everything I hear is good things.
While it is enticing to read into the so-called "experts" and their analysis of our beloved team, I don't give it much merit this early in the off-season. Recall last year? Many, many of those "experts" predicted that the Dolphins would represent the AFC in the Super Bowl in Miami. Of course, the outcome of the season was a far cry from that. I'm excited to see what the new season will bring, but forgive me for ignoring these people until September 9.

I certainly don't remember any analysts saying that we were SB bound last year ?? What guys were you listening to ??

At any rate, you are right that until we see the guys in pads and on the field it's way too early to be talking anything other than the dreaded P word...
I certainly don't remember any analysts saying that we were SB bound last year ?? What guys were you listening to ??

At any rate, you are right that until we see the guys in pads and on the field it's way too early to be talking anything other than the dreaded P word...

I too remember a few the of ESPN analyst saying that we would make it into the Superbowl that year if Culpepper was healthy.
I certainly don't remember any analysts saying that we were SB bound last year ?? What guys were you listening to ??

At any rate, you are right that until we see the guys in pads and on the field it's way too early to be talking anything other than the dreaded P word...

Peter King of Sports Illustrated picked the Dolphins in the Superbowl last year... I will never trust his opinion on anything again...
The team has too many questions to give an assessment at this point. If the QB, the OL, the WRs and the DBs all perform very well, we could go deep into the playoffs. If none of them do so, we'll be looking at another top ten draft pick. And then there are all the "in between" possibilities.
I wonder what Brandt says about David carr who almost completed 70 percent of his passes at the NFL level. How does that translate to success at the NFL level?
I certainly don't remember any analysts saying that we were SB bound last year ?? What guys were you listening to ??

At any rate, you are right that until we see the guys in pads and on the field it's way too early to be talking anything other than the dreaded P word...
Yeah i think if I remember right they had it projected that we would be playing Carolina in the superbowl.
I wonder what Brandt says about David carr who almost completed 70 percent of his passes at the NFL level. How does that translate to success at the NFL level?

He would say the same exact thing: "...that usually translates into the pros,"
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