couple things to remember..
1.The Jake Long stuff was a mess up by Ireland.
2.I remember last year when we picked at 32, seeing videos of Ireland and Tuna looking down at who was available and changing up their board. Right then and there I knew the pick was Merling because he was too good to pass up.
3.IMO Ireland and Sparano have a lot more control than people think. Remember last year Tuna wanted Chris Long but Sparano and Ireland wanted Jake so Tuna gave them the first choice BUT said if Jake's contract demands were too high, they'd draft Chris. Hell, Parcells wasn't even at Jake's introduction PC.
4.Identifying who you want isn't always a smoke screen. We gave both Langford and Murphy a lot of love last year (Murphy more so because Mike Maser really wanted him). Some teams are really obvious though when it comes to who they want (Bucs,Raiders,and Jets in particular). The teams that are unpredictable either identify who fits their system (Steelers,Ravens,and Patriots), go strictly by their draft board (Jaguars,Saints, and Eagles), or they honestly don't know who they want (Bengals,Chiefs, Lions, and us during the Wanny years)