Dolphins Jersey | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins Jersey

Dr. Tomorrow

Scout Team
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Going to the Jets game this weekend for the first time and I was wondering what do you guys think, if I wear a Dolphins jersey should I expect some douche bag to hit me over the head with shlock or something like that?
Expect yelling from drunk New Jersey *** holes. I've gotten this numerous times.
I asked this same question because I am going to the game and everyone told me that they just will talk ****. I am still going to represent and I hope you do too. I hope you got your parking pass because that is the only way you can tailgate. Have fun!!!!
Could be worse, i got ice balls all game long in NE a few years ago. F*ck the Jets and the Patsies.
i go to a lot of jet-dolphin games if NY and been wearing fin jerseys there since i was 10yrs old. if you dont thats really weak and makes our fans look like girls. wear your jersey
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