Dolphins & NFL players who live near you? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins & NFL players who live near you?


17-0 Still Perfect
Apr 26, 2005
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I think its understood people who l have alot of money enjoy having a second home in Florida or make that their primary residence, including NFL players.... was wondering if anyone in South Florida see former NFL players, former Dolphins, or for that matter current Dolphins often?....their healthclub? course? live in the same neighborhood? store? Former fin Rob Konrad grew up near me....but thats as good as it gets for me up here in New England.
funny you brought this up. I was playing golf sunday in los angeles and Corey Dillon was playing behind me the whole day. I told him I hated him for beating up on my fins (jokingly) and he got a kick out of it. said that we were one of his fav teams to play. I left my club head at the tee and he grabbed it ad actually drove all the way to the next hole to give it to me. super nice guy. looked fat and out of shape now.
William Henderson (ex-fullback, GreenBay) grew up with me. He lives here in Va again now that he's retired.
I've been at the urinal (and spoken with while and/or after) with both Brett Farve & Dan Marino. Both are excellent stories even my relatives don't believe.
I had dinner at mario the baker when I was around 12 and me earl morrell
chris chambers and matt turk used to live in my neighborhood
i saw al harris(packers) cruisin a1a in his ferrari in lauderdale when i went back home for spring break. i've seen a bunch of players around there...javon kearse(played at UF with one of my football coaches in high school), ray ray, edgerrin james. as for dolphins, ive seen JT a few times, and marino at the airport once.
Live down the Street from Clinton Portis now that man knows how to PARTY
No one lives near me (Charlotte, NC), however my friend called me from Vegas this past weekend to tell me that Joey Porter was at the Treasure Island playing blackjack.
funny you brought this up. I was playing golf sunday in los angeles and Corey Dillon was playing behind me the whole day. I told him I hated him for beating up on my fins (jokingly) and he got a kick out of it. said that we were one of his fav teams to play. I left my club head at the tee and he grabbed it ad actually drove all the way to the next hole to give it to me. super nice guy. looked fat and out of shape now.
Nice to hear Dillon was cool to you. I remember some post a long time ago about Zach Thomas at a restaurant with his wife....and the places starts chanting J-E-T-S Jets, jets, jets over and over, Zach said he got a chuckle out of it, but was cool about it...noting something with a chuckle like 'I get paid for this'...maybe somebody else remembers that better than I do
I went to college with Tony Romo and had a few classes with him...super nice guy. I also saw Marcus Robinson and a lot of other Chicago Bears at Dairy Queen in Platteville, Wis. when they had their training camp up there. I met Kurt Warner's brother-in-law on a golf course in the Quad Cities, where Warner's wife's family is from.
my brother worked at a hole in the wall paintball field place in the outskirts of charlotte nc and steve smith brought his kids to play.....he was super nice....but some D-Bag guy ruined it by driving him nuts all day for pics and steve calmy apologized to the owners and employees and said he couldnt come by for keep from people planning on seeing him there or something.....crazy
I live in Parkland Fl. so let's see...
1. Dan Marino has a house about 10 mins away
2. Mark Duper used to live down the street.
3. Ty Law still does live down the street (D-Bag)
4. Olli Jokinen (Fl Panthers) lives about 5 mins away (was behind me on way to work a couple days ago drives like a grandma in a BMW 750)
5. Al Harris is about 15 mins away. (Saw him at Starbucks a few weeks ago)
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