FinHeaven Elite
"All that shaped me into the person I am now,'' he said. "All the negative talk. All the people saying I couldn't do it. You don't let people bring you down. You just keep working."
Ever since he arrived as the ninth pick in 2007, everyone has wanted Ginn to be something more. That's understandable. He only has four receiving touchdowns. It's why coach Tony Sparano challenged him in these offseason workouts.
Maybe, as with school, it takes the fastest guy on the team a little while to get up to speed. You won't know until September. But Sparano sees enough to rank Ginn in the top two players who have grown the most since last year (he didn't name the other).
"Just with the way he's handling himself out there. The way the whole offense has started to slow down for him a little bit for him that way. I really have seen him be, in some situations, pretty dominant,'' he said.
"You can see his confidence is really at a high level right now. He's running better. Playing a little bit stronger. I mean, even handling kicks back there I've seen a little different guy.",0,2937668.column