dolphisn bucs next week wtach the game! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

dolphisn bucs next week wtach the game!

SR 7

☠️ Banned ☠️
Feb 1, 2006
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anyone konw where we can watch the game as far as internet streaming?
Where is the game being played, mlami or tampa?
I like to know to...

Or maybe live play by play?? Anyone know??
It's being played at Miami, 7:30 EST on Saturday. None of Miami's preseason games will be on major networks. :(
yeah sopcast hasnt even ran baseball this year so im thinking ill spend alot fo time in the sports bar this season.
Anyone know if it will be on WQAM live brodcast??
I live in Tampa so I should be able to see the game... what night is it on? Saturday or Sunday?

May have to drive out too Beef's to catch this one...
I may be wrong, but I've seen people say NFL ticket doesn't include pre-season.

Someone correct me.

Not only that, but it doesn't include any game that is not on a Sunday. It's the "NFL Sunday Ticket" package.

Best bet if you are not local is nfl network.
Usually Channel 8 WFLA in Tampa carries the Bucs preseason games. However, with the Olympics starting on Friday, I'll doubt the game will be on that channel. I'm sure Tampa market Dol-Fans will get the game somehow.
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