Donnie Jones | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Donnie Jones


Resident Montana Griz pimp for Miami :)
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
Lost in all the excitement of the game wasn't anyone else whooping it up when Donnie Jacked that Bills returner? it reminded me of Turk a while back :D
It was nice. The announcers were like "You don't want your punter making those kinds of hits". :rolleyes:
I love Donnie Jones! He has been a real nice upgrade to our special teams. That play will have to be on Jacked Up tommorow night. I actually though it would be on Primetime, but I didn t see it.
McGee: Yeah, I'm running, I'm running, I'm run- *BAM!*

Donnie Jones: I'M D. JONES BIATCH!
That hit was a train wreck!! They both took it badly.....

But man , sign Donnie jones to a long contract.. he came in with no expectations.. and is playing his A@@ off........
Donnie laid him out big time. It must have been embarassing. I've always thought that Donnie was well-built for a punter, and it looks like pumping iron payed off on that play.
Silverphin said:
McGee: Yeah, I'm running, I'm running, I'm run- *BAM!*

Donnie Jones: I'M D. JONES BIATCH!

It was Parrish.
That hit was awesome. On another note at one point the announcers said "the best punter in the NFL" on CBS.
Fish_Fan4Life said:
Yeah, Jones has really been superb for us. Great upgrade from Turk.

Hey, give the Turkman some credit. He laid some hits in his days as well. DJ is Turk 2.0
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