Draft Day Trade? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Draft Day Trade?


Jan 12, 2004
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Do any of you think Ogunleye could be delt in a draft day trade?
Why or why not?

Anything can happen.

i think that could happen but personally i would rather keep o-gun than to deal him..... he did what was asked of him by the team and now its time to pay up...... 0-gun earned and deseves a contract from the dolphins i hope we can find a way to keep him...... we would have a hole to fill if he left....bowens and williams could replace him but could they put up the numbers wally did?? hopefully we can keep wally and have the core of the defense intact for this years run..
It all depends if Rick feels there's a player worth trading up for. I have a hunch that Spielman feels there isn't, so Ogun might be going nowhere.
I agree with Noodle. If there is a player out there we want, and we are getting a good deal, I think rick will pull the trigger. I said all along that because of the depth in this draft, by getting more picks in the 2nd-4th rounds can only help our team. I have faith in rick to make the deal if it will improve our future. I honestly do not feel we need a player at any position to come in and be expected to start. If they do then that is a bonus. We do need to think of getting players that can step in to replace Jr, Zack at some point, as well as the safety position. Dont forget Chambers is a FA next year. How about a stud receiver in the 2nd round (assuming we make a trade) to have for depth and the potential loss of Chambers.
If it happens it happens. With that said he better be someone who is a starter come september if we lose ogun for A pick it better be a good one!
O-Gun deserves a new contract. That's true. However, it WAS the Fins who gave him the chance after his serious knee injury during his senior yr at Indiana. Their should be some willingness on his part to reach a FAIR deal with the Fins. His (and Drew's) expectations are clearly not reasonable.
im agreein with Clumpy here, O-gun and Rosenhaus are overestimating his value. Hes a very good DE, but hes asking for Taylor-type $$$, which nobody in their right mind would give him.
didn't the fins give him an incentive in his contract last year for sack totals that they did not have to do under his original deal? if so the fins have shown some good faith bargaining and ogun should repay that with some reasonable contract expectations.
even though we may not hear news of it, i expect rick to "revisit" the ogun situation early this monday and/or tues to guage whether he thinks ogun can be resigned or whether he needs to look into trading ogun, once a contract is worked out with another team.
depends, if we're willing to go all out, and trade into the top 10 for a franchise player, then yeah. But i'm not willing to deal him for a low first, or 2nds, for "depth" players. All or nothing, we can sign depth in the FA, if we give up a franchise player, we better be taking a shot at a legitimate franchise player rather htan a prospect with little chance of panning out. I know, the draft is a crap shoot, but we all know who the best bets for franchise players are. Trading O-gun for 2nd tier players in the 2nd would be a huge waste IMO.
I don't think Ogun's going anywhere and our corners are happy about that.

Ozzy rules!!
Ogun must sign his tender or a new contract before he is traded (league rules). If he doesn't do that before the draft, the chances that the phins would be able to sign and trade him while someone is on the draft clock is very low. It may happen this week (still unlikely because of contract demands), but it won't happen on draft day.
Does any team really believe he is worth a $16 million signing bonus??? I don't think so and thus there is no one to trade him to.
We could very well deal him and draft a De. I feel if there is one there that is talented. i would love to see us get a second this year and a second next year for him. Dolfanreal69
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