draft day | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

draft day

No crazy parties for me this year. I'm just going to stay home, ESPN, ESPN Radio, QAM -- whatever is best....probably riding the tidal wave of opinions through here with you guys.

And if we draft Alex Smith, I'll open the liquor cabinet, jam my head inside and repeat if necessary.
Sit back at my house with the windows open and a nice Louisiana breeze blowing through, baking a HUGE pan of lasagna, having plenty of beer, a few friends over, and watch the damn thing from beginning to end.

That is my draft day plans. And it will happen.
Watch the draft from beginning to end with a few friends and few beers, then heading to the Angel game at 7. What a great day :)
my b-day is the 24, the second day of the draft so im prolly gonna be watching the draft and hoping for an early birthday present
DonShula84 said:
Watch the draft from beginning to end with a few friends and few beers. :)

Why do people have to have alcohol in their daily routine? Can we not go a day without it? Is it really necessary to have a good time.:shakeno:
My friend lives in a nice *** apartment complex which has a bar area by the pool and grills with a tv, that you can rent out. SO he already put the deposit down on it, so come draft day were gonna be grilling, drinking, sitting in the sun watching the NFL draft. AAHHHHH it is gonna own!!:D
FinsForLife007 said:
Why do people have to have alcohol in their daily routine? Can we not go a day without it? Is it really necessary to have a good time.:shakeno:

Are you a hardcore Christian or just not a partier (16y/o)? I used to say the same things to people when I was younger, till I was about 17 and started partying towards the end of HS. No doubt alcohol can get you into trouble and stuff, I'm living proof, but there isnt anything wrong with having a few drinks every now and then.
I will be on the couch, next to a browns fan, watching in anticipation. For the later rounds I'll probably be at a buddies house playing a lil poker while watching it.

This is the first draft I plan on watching from beginning to end
girthvader44 said:
Nub, where is Beaver Stadium? And can I get there from here? :D
Unless you buy a plane ticket I don't think you can come. :lol: Beaver Stadium is in State College, Pennsylvania and it is the football home of the Penn State Nittany Kitties(They will get the Lions part back once they start winning). Beaver Stadium is the 2nd largest Football stadium in the USA(holds 106,537 people). I will be there because on Saturday Penn State has their annual Spring scrimmage(Blue Vs White game), but I won't be watching the game because my family has club seats, so I will be in the club wacthing the draft. :D

Also, PSU is about a 2 hour drive from my house.
girthvader44 said:
Nub, where is Beaver Stadium? And can I get there from here? :D

It is Penn State's stadium

so in Pennsylvania, if you really wanna travel from Texas then have fun
FinsForLife007 said:
Why do people have to have alcohol in their daily routine? Can we not go a day without it? Is it really necessary to have a good time.

Wait till you turn 21 guy...You'll see.

...and I am a Christian by the way. Hey, Jesus drank wine. :D
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