Draft Parties in South Florida? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Draft Parties in South Florida?


FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Hey all,

Does anyone know of any NFL draft parties going on in South Florida tomorrow? I live in the West Palm Beach / Lake Worth area and I was looking for a place to hang out with fellow fin-fans, watch the draft, drink beer, the whole nine yards. If anyone knows of any local bars (local as in Palm Beach / Broward county) holding any special events please post.

Dolphin Stadium is having a big draft party tomorrow. I'm sure they will have drinks etc. Also you can watch the draft on the new "world's largest" HD screens.
NickJr. said:
Dolphin Stadium is having a big draft party tomorrow. I'm sure they will have drinks etc. Also you can watch the draft on the new "world's largest" HD screens.

yup should be a good time...bunch of us headin down there in the morning..also shulas steak house should be good thats where they held the draft party last year.:dolphins:
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