Draft Pick Signing Question | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Draft Pick Signing Question


Practice Squad
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Since the Texans already signed their pick, that kinda makes NO 1st on the clock for today, can THEY sign Bush, or whomever they want, or at least talk to agents, or is that privelage only for the TECHNICAL first picking team (the Texans in this case) and the Saints have to wait til they are actually on the clock and pick someone to begin negotiations?

I don't think the Saints will take Bush, but I'm just using him for an example here. Say, hypothetically, that they are going to pick Bush, could they have been negotiating with his agent since the Williams deal went through last night? Maybe talk to Bush's agent and Young or Leinart or Ferguson's agents too and get a general idea where everyone stands money-wise, or is that against the rules and nobody but the team with the first overal pick can do any negotiations before the draft?
I believe they can set up discussion with any number of players that they believe will be available at the number two pick.
BirHead22 said:
I believe they can set up discussion with any number of players that they believe will be available at the number two pick.

Thanks. Can it be reported before the draft though, like Willaims was with the Texans? So say NO wanted bush and somehow worked out a miracle deal before 12pm eastern time today, could they report it and then the draft would start with tenessee on the board, and it could just keep going like that, in theory, if deals kept being reached? I know it would NVEER happen, that deals that big got done that quick, so it's purely hypothetical.
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