Draft position note | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Draft position note


Club Member
Nov 2, 2004
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The Myer
With Arizona winning tonight, a win tomorrow by Philidelphia will guarantee our draft position to move up 1 spot from #26 to #25. Goes to #24 if San Diego plays either one of them in Tampa.
Eagles just took a 23-11 lead with 3:58 left in the game. It is pretty safe to assume now that Miami will at worst be picking #25 now. It doesn't matter who wins next week between the Cardinals and Eagles. Now, if the Chargers can get past the Steelers today and the Ravens next week, our pick will improve to #24.
Imagine an Arizona/San Diego shootout in the Superbowl this year?! :lol: - Not only would it be fun to watch but it would also guarantee us the #24 pick in the draft. Glad to see we moved up a spot today. Remember what we gave up to move up just 1 spot when we drafted Vernon Carey?
Imagine an Arizona/San Diego shootout in the Superbowl this year?! :lol: - Not only would it be fun to watch but it would also guarantee us the #24 pick in the draft. Glad to see we moved up a spot today. Remember what we gave up to move up just 1 spot when we drafted Vernon Carey?
It was a fourth round pick. I think Minnesota may have duped us into thinking the Pats were going to snag Carey.
This is confusing to me, I can see how the teams still playing dont have there draft posttions locked but shouldnt our postion be decided now that the season is over for us?
Imagine an Arizona/San Diego shootout in the Superbowl this year?! :lol: - Not only would it be fun to watch but it would also guarantee us the #24 pick in the draft. Glad to see we moved up a spot today. Remember what we gave up to move up just 1 spot when we drafted Vernon Carey?

That is what I am rooting for just to aggrivate all those people complaining about how the playoff seeding is unfair and how neiether of those teams belonged in the playoffs. They were both suppose to be one n done.
This is confusing to me, I can see how the teams still playing dont have there draft posttions locked but shouldnt our postion be decided now that the season is over for us?

superbowl participants get moved to the bottom of the draft regardless of season record.
It was a fourth round pick. I think Minnesota may have duped us into thinking the Pats were going to snag Carey.

Mewelde Moore was used with that pick. Check out who was picked next :lol:

23-119 Minnesota (from Miami) - Mewelde Moore, RB Tulane
24-120 Jacksonville (from Baltimore) - Ernest Wilford, WR Virginia Tech
I dont get it why does SanDiego have to go to the Super Bowl for us to move to 24? Shouldnt we already be at 24 seeing as how they already made it farther than us?
This is confusing to me, I can see how the teams still playing dont have there draft posttions locked but shouldnt our postion be decided now that the season is over for us?

From NFL.com:

Draft-order ties are resolved by the cumulative record of each team's opponents. The team with the weaker opponents receives drafting priority.

Within a tied segment, non-playoff clubs are given priority over playoff clubs. Priority of playoff clubs within a tied segment will be based on their advancement in the playoffs, but they will not drop out of their tied segment unless they participate in the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl champion will select 32nd and the runner-up 31st.

Translation: Of the four 11-5 teams, New England drafts first because it missed the playoffs, then Atlanta because of cumulative opponents, then us, and finally Baltimore because they're still playing. Right now, the 11-5 segment's picks are from #24 to #27, but either Arizona (#21) or Philadelphia (#22) will make the Super Bowl, which will drop them back to #31 or #32 and cause all of the teams that had been behind them to move up one slot. Because of its 8-8 regular season record, San Diego will draft at #16 unless it wins the AFC, in which case it will also drop back to #31 or #32 and all of us move up again.

Not only does the Philly/Arizona NFC title game move our first-round pick up to #25, but our second-round pick improves from #57 to #56, and our third-round pick from #88 to #87. The pick we get from Washington is unaffected -- it remains at #44.
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