Dumb Question... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dumb Question...


Perennial All-Pro
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Why can't players keep their college jersey numbers?

Example: Matt Roth #31....probably have to use #98 or something like that...

Just because the NFL has standard jersey numbers for each postion. A little silly IMO
Boone said:
Why can't players keep their college jersey numbers?

Example: Matt Roth #31....probably have to use #98 or something like that...

League rules. There is a set area for which positions can have numbers. RBs for example go from 20-49 I think and QBs can go from 1-19. You don't want a QB out there wearing the #62. Helps to organize the teams, and it helps distinguish which positions the players play by their numbers.
some players(Ronnie Brown) keep their numbers.
I think the only position that has two different ranges is WR. They can go from 80-89 or from 10-19 as well. (I.E. Keyshawn Johnson, Roy Williams)
Nublar7 said:
League rules. There is a set area for which positions can have numbers. RBs for example go from 20-49 I think and QBs can go from 1-19. You don't want a QB out there wearing the #62. Helps to organize the teams, and it helps distinguish which positions the players play by their numbers.
Then why doesnt NCAA football do the same?
Boone said:
Then why doesnt NCAA football do the same?

Seriously, dude.... The NCAA doesn't have a game to deal with who will be the National Champion. They are still in the dark ages. Don't expect too much from a group that mentally impaired.
Boone said:
Why can't players keep their college jersey numbers?

Example: Matt Roth #31....probably have to use #98 or something like that...


Good point and your right , it's dumb. Think about these Pro Fins:

85- Buoncontti
42- Warfield
13- Scott
77- Duhe
75- Fernandez
I think that it's good personally. They shouldn't be restricted to just 1 number by the position they play like in Rugby but they have about 20 numbers to select from at most positions. It also made the 56# and 84# jerseys great. IMO
I like the Number system the NFL has personaly. Am i the only that when he hears the jersey number 99 pictures a 6' 2" 320 DT and not a 5' 4" 120 K. the system helps to keep the league organised and i for one hope they don't change it.
I've always liked the fact that the NFL assigns certain number series to positions.
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