Early defensive plays and game management were/are the keys to victory | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Early defensive plays and game management were/are the keys to victory


Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Those two early INTs and the points off those turnovers proved to be the keys to victory. Though not touchdowns, field goals add up and they allowed us to keep a lead and START OUT AHEAD FOR A CHANGE.

Also, in this game and another (Chargers?), we were able to hold the ball for what, seven minutes in the fourth quarter!?!? we moved the ball slowly, took our time, but made key first downs and scored the TD we needed to seal the victory.

Honestly, whether or not we reach the playoffs, the fact that we are still in this thing, either for the division or wildcard spot, let's all just relish the feeling of relevant football and if we get close and fall short, we can get excited about our future and dream of becoming a dynasty!!!!

I just wanted to rant about my excitement so sorry if I've bored you guys I guess the main message I'm trying to get across is enjoy our growth and be excited for the future. GO FINS :woot:
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