On Thursday, ESPN’s Mark Schwarz — a non-NFL beat guy — contacted agent Rick Smith to discuss Jonathan Martin. Schwarz then reported that Smith said Martin had issues with multiple players on the team.
After Schwarz’s report appeared on ESPN, Smith denied providing that information to Schwarz on Twitter: “I have no independent knowledge of anything Mark Schwartz from ESPN attributed to myself. I’ve never heard of [Schwarz] until today.”
wouldnt suprise me in least.
and If I am in the dolphin organization, I cut off Armando, Omar, and Jimmy JJ Walker.
I dont give them anything if I am a football player. I tell them to suck it. and do it on camera.
Seriously, I'm suprised Nando and Omar haven't been cut off already; because they've been making false claims about the club for years
So the NFL is going to meet with Martin supposedly next week. It all comes down to that IMO. What his laundry list says and how much more there is.
I wonder if Incognito has councel and if they can get a hold of those emails, texts, and VM so they can refute and put things in context. But until then, the media will drip and drag and damned be incognito.