Guys,is really getting boring with the "homers" vs the "haters" on this board.....if a fan on this board likes what the team is doing he's call a "homer" as if there's something wrong with that fan. If a fan on this board doesn't like the way a playeer is playing he's call a "hater"...why? And what makes you guys think that one fan is better than the other fan? sometimes I love what the team is doing...does that makes me a homer? and if it does,why is that a bad thing? isn't the idea of being a fan to hopefully like what your team is doing?....but wait,sometimes I hate the way the team is playing on a given sunday...does that means I hate the team? if I hate the team,why would I be even watching....the point I'm trying to make is this,there's no such thing as a good or bad fan....there's just fans....the ones that like everything are happy with the way things are for the most part...the ones that get real mad at the team,they love the team as much as anyone else....but in the end,we all want the same thing,to win a superbowl.....I like what the FO has done this year and in the offseason too....but that doesn't stoped me from saying that I wish they had done a thing or 2 different.....I love the fact we're 7 and 5 instead of 0 and 12.....but I'm upset we blew the game at houston...does that makes me a hater?..or anyone who feels the same way for that matter?....I go in the chatroom every sunday and you'll see guys defending the team all day long...and people get upset at them for defending the team....stop getting mad at them...they defend the team cause they love the team and there's nothing wrong with that.....there're also guys in there who are mad the whole game(even if we win)cause the team is not playing good enough for them,and people get upset at those guys and will say things to them like "stop complaining,we won the game"....guess what,they're complaing cause they too love the team and want to see the team do better...people,we're all humans here and we're all different kinds of people....the only things that is the same is the fact that we ALL love our stop the civil happy when we win,be upset when we play ok to do both....but stop attacking each other....that's what the Jets,Bills and Pats boards are there for.For whatever is worth,I think we have some of the greatest fans on this or lose we're here day after day,talking about the team that we ALL love so much and I am very proud of being on this board and very proud to be a Dolphins fan!!
Ozzy rules!!
Ozzy rules!!
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