everyone here is a "good" fan | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

everyone here is a "good" fan


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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Guys,is really getting boring with the "homers" vs the "haters" on this board.....if a fan on this board likes what the team is doing he's call a "homer" as if there's something wrong with that fan. If a fan on this board doesn't like the way a playeer is playing he's call a "hater"...why? And what makes you guys think that one fan is better than the other fan? sometimes I love what the team is doing...does that makes me a homer? and if it does,why is that a bad thing? isn't the idea of being a fan to hopefully like what your team is doing?....but wait,sometimes I hate the way the team is playing on a given sunday...does that means I hate the team? if I hate the team,why would I be even watching....the point I'm trying to make is this,there's no such thing as a good or bad fan....there's just fans....the ones that like everything are happy with the way things are for the most part...the ones that get real mad at the team,they love the team as much as anyone else....but in the end,we all want the same thing,to win a superbowl.....I like what the FO has done this year and in the offseason too....but that doesn't stoped me from saying that I wish they had done a thing or 2 different.....I love the fact we're 7 and 5 instead of 0 and 12.....but I'm upset we blew the game at houston...does that makes me a hater?..or anyone who feels the same way for that matter?....I go in the chatroom every sunday and you'll see guys defending the team all day long...and people get upset at them for defending the team....stop getting mad at them...they defend the team cause they love the team and there's nothing wrong with that.....there're also guys in there who are mad the whole game(even if we win)cause the team is not playing good enough for them,and people get upset at those guys and will say things to them like "stop complaining,we won the game"....guess what,they're complaing cause they too love the team and want to see the team do better...people,we're all humans here and we're all different kinds of people....the only things that is the same is the fact that we ALL love our team....so stop the civil war...be happy when we win,be upset when we play bad...is ok to do both....but stop attacking each other....that's what the Jets,Bills and Pats boards are there for.For whatever is worth,I think we have some of the greatest fans on this board...win or lose we're here day after day,talking about the team that we ALL love so much and I am very proud of being on this board and very proud to be a Dolphins fan!!

Ozzy rules!!
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Danny, seems like you need a therapist not a fan forum. Your post is your opinion and I can respect that, (a bit whiney) but the word "Fan" is derived from the word "Fanatic" Everyone in here chooses to vent or celebrate however they choose. As long as it isnt personal, racial or political I see no problem with what goes on. Were up when we win and down when we lose. If you dont like a certian post then dont read or respond to it. I have posted in here and got blasted by my phinheaven brothern and thats cool. Somtimes my posts might be a off the mark at times and I can take it. And I sure love to dish it out too. Just chill out and have fun. Go with the flow.
nice post man, i agree with you 100% in the fact that everyone on this board is a good fan no matter wat there views r and we should all stop labeling other people as haters or homers because in the end we r all real fans.
Danny, seems like you need a therapist not a fan forum. Your post is your opinion and I can respect that, (a bit whiney) but the word "Fan" is derived from the word "Fanatic" Everyone in here chooses to vent or celebrate however they choose. As long as it isnt personal, racial or political I see no problem with what goes on. Were up when we win and down when we lose. If you dont like a certian post then dont read or respond to it. I have posted in here and got blasted by my phinheaven brothern and thats cool. Somtimes my posts might be a off the mark at times and I can take it. And I sure love to dish it out too. Just chill out and have fun. Go with the flow.

Dude,I don't think you got the point...I was not complaining...on the contrary,I was saying that is ok to vent and is ok to be happy too....in the end we're all fans and I'm saying that people should stop labeling each other as bad fans or homers or hater or whatever...the way a person chosses to be a fan is their way to be a fan and I'm fine with that....hope this clears it for you.

Ozzy rules!!

There is some confusion as to the origin of the word fan. Paul Dickson, in his Dickson Baseball Dictionary, cites William Henry Nugent's work that traces it to fancy, a 19th century term from England that referred mainly to followers of boxing. It was originally shortened to fance then just to the homonym fans. The word emerged as an Americanism around 1889. Many assume that it's a shortened version of the word fanatic, and the word did first become popular in reference to an enthusiastic follower of a baseball team. (Fanatic itself, introduced into English around 1525, means "insane person". It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning "insanely but divinely inspired". The word originally pertained to a temple or sacred place [Latin fanum, poetic English fane]. The modern sense of "extremely zealous" dates from around 1647; the use of fanatic as a noun dates from 1650.) However, the term "fancy" for an intense liking of something, while being of a different etymology, coincidentally carries somewhat the same connotation as "fanatic".
Supporter is a synonym to "fan" which predates the latter term and as such is still commonly used in British English, especially to denote fans of sports teams. However, the term "fan" has become popular throughout the English-speaking world, including the United Kingdom. The term supporter is also used in a political sense in the United States, to a fan of a politician, a political party, and a controversial issue.
The term "krank" (or crank) carries much the same connotation as both "fanatic" and "fancy", of devoted attachment to something. While the object of a fan's interest is generally an intense interest in a normal, accepted activity (e.g., sports or rock music), a crank is often seen as being devoted to an unusual or even deviant idea or organization, such as alien abduction or racial superiority theories. The term "crank" was also once used to describe baseball fans, but this usage is now obsolete.

[edit] Characteristics

this was taken from Wikiapedia
as you can see in 1525 it meant insane. just wanted to clarify.
There are still 2 types of fans. 1 the real fans who love there team win or lose. 2 the Bandwagoners we all know about them.
Everyone has different opinions. Some express it louder(??) then others but for 99.9% of the time, there are no personal attacks which IMO there is no reason for.

Go look at www.jetsinsider.com if you want a look at a board that is filled with disrespect and at some points I think pure hatred for each other if they have a difference of opinion. I have yet to see anything even close to that on this board. We have great fans and a great board.
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