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ex-Fins in the news


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Browns | First Team OL - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
17:01 PT: Browns.com reports that the Cleveland Browns lined up their first team OL this way so far this week: LT Ross Verba, LG Barry Stokes, C Dave Wohlabaugh, RG Tre Johnson, and RT Ryan Tucker. This line-up is not set in stone and is subject to change.

Panthers | Jackson All Purpose - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
15:02 PT: The Charlotte Observer reports Carolina Panthers LB Brad Jackson role in the Panthers' defense will be an all-purpose linebacker, similar to the role he had as a Baltimore Raven last season. Jackson has the ability to play all three linebacker positions and contribute on special teams. His role will be more as a back-up, as opposed to competition to starters LB Dan Morgan and LB Mark Fields.

Packers | Jones Shift Outside - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
14:49 PT: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Green Bay Packers LB Robert Jones will likely move to LB Nate Wayne's outside linebacker position due to the recent signing of LB Hardy Nickerson.
Originally posted by dolfan06
39, in your avatar, is the guy trying to look mean, sad or just sick!
he was sad that he had no sacks last year, but s/b happy that he's a Fin now. :rolleyes:
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