Example of Cam Wake | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Example of Cam Wake


Aussie with the swag of El Bravo 47
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Club Member
Apr 21, 2007
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West Palm Beach, Florida
Cam Wake has been a huge success this season and I think he can still improve further. But take a moment to think back. This is a guy who went undrafted and lasted a few weeks in Giants mini-camp before being going to Canada to get a chance to play football. He wasn't on the draft radar even with Penn State linebacker heritage.
How many other potential stars are out there, who go undrafted or are cut in mini-camp? We are lucky that someone scoured the CFL and could see his talent, but Cam defied the odds to make it after the earlier setbacks. Cam's physical talents are off the chart - how was it that no-one saw him as a top prospect for the draft?
Wake is just the latest - but you think about players like Kurt Warner who went undrafted and ended up as a QB for the Iowa Barnstormers in the Arena League and the Amsterdam Admirals in NFL Europe, or Danny Woodhead who looks a terrific talent for New England or our own Davone Bess from Hawaii. There are undrafted gems out there - they are hard to find but they are still out there. It seems that after facing setbacks, a small percentage of players draw energy from their disappointment and come back harder with something to prove.
Full marks to Jeff Ireland in giving Wake the opportunity. Now go find us the next undrafted gem...
I agree with everything you said and I'm not trying to devalue the way he was picked up, but he was heavily desired by at least 2 other teams after he lit up the CFL. So it's not like he was a total unknown after his CFL dominance, but it is a good thing Ireland and Parcells realized they had to spend big money (for a CFL'er) and outbid the others for his services (and lock him up for four years).
I agree with everything you said and I'm not trying to devalue the way he was picked up, but he was heavily desired by at least 2 other teams after he lit up the CFL. So it's not like he was a total unknown after his CFL dominance, but it is a good thing Ireland and Parcells realized they had to spend big money (for a CFL'er) and outbid the others for his services (and lock him up for four years).

Even still, they took a risk on him. If he would have flaked out and busted for the Dolphins, that would have been more criticism sent towards the front office about them spending more time watching lesser NFL talent in the CFL rather than focusing on hitting on their draft picks (which the criticism is well deserved with the White and Turner selections).

Grabbing Cam Wake is like getting 2 early draft picks for free. So yea good job by the front office in regards to Cam Wake. Got him for 2 years on the cheap, now pay the man and lets continue to finalize this defense.
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