Expansion Draft, CC I and more... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Expansion Draft, CC I and more...


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Q & A with Alex

Q: Is there any chance Houston will select Tim Bowens in the expansion draft? I know he makes too much money, but how screwed will the Dolphins be if the Texans actually pick him? Do you think this is a wise move? Randy Green, Inwood, NY

A: I don't think the Texans will select Bowens because he has played eight NFL seasons and, because of the nature of his position, probably won't be a front-line player by the time Houston will be a legitimate playoff contender. If the Texans do take Bowens, the Dolphins will be in trouble having to find an adequate replacement.

Q: Are there any updates on Norv Turner's situation? Also, will the new offensive coordinator bring his own style of offense to this team? Eric Robbins, Longmont, CA

A: As long as the San Diego Chargers head coaching position remains unfilled, Turner is not able to leave his current contract with the team. Turner would bring his own style of offense to the Dolphins, which is a nice blend of running and passing.

Q: What is the likelihood of Houston taking Brock Marion in the expansion draft? Do you think he'll end up with the Dolphins as a last resort like he did last year? Steve Lilburn, Washington, D.C.

A: The Dolphins don't plan to expose Marion in the expansion draft. If a contract extension cannot be finalized, look for Marion to test the free-agent market again. If he can't lead the deal he wants, then he might return to the Dolphins.

Q: How much interest do the Dolphins have in Cris Carter? Why was he on the sidelines during Miami's game against Baltimore last week? Jayson Hammonds, Homestead, FL

A: The Dolphins don't have interest in Cris Carter, as they are set at the wide receiver spot. Carter lives in West Palm Beach, so his attending a Dolphins game wasn't a big deal.
Originally posted by dolphan39
Q & A with Alex

I think we are even close to being set at WR.

We have Chambers and OG, who are both starter quality. Behind them, we have one decent reciever: Ward.
Re: Re: Expansion Draft, CC I and more...

Originally posted by booyeah_

I think we are even close to being set at WR.

We have Chambers and OG, who are both starter quality. Behind them, we have one decent reciever: Ward.

I think if he stays healthy, Ward should get more playing time next year.
Re: Re: Expansion Draft, CC I and more...

Originally posted by booyeah_

I think we are even close to being set at WR.

We have Chambers and OG, who are both starter quality. Behind them, we have one decent reciever: Ward.

I think we are set at WR.
Re: Re: Re: Expansion Draft, CC I and more...

Originally posted by iceblizzard69

I think we are set at WR.

How is bringing in Cris Crater gonna hurt?
Let's get radical!! release BUTTERFINGERS McKnight and sign Chris Carter! Hey! It will save them from fighting over #80???:goof: GO PHINS!!!

#13 and DON FOREVER!!!!
BS. We arent set at WR. We need a true possession WR to go along with Chambers. Carter is big & can run the fade in the endzone & is a sure handed as they come. McKnight could be the third WR & OG would be used primarily in the redzone. Marvez needs to get his head out of his a$$ & see what is really happening out there.
Originally posted by SMadison29
BS. We arent set at WR. We need a true possession WR to go along with Chambers. Carter is big & can run the fade in the endzone & is a sure handed as they come. McKnight could be the third WR & OG would be used primarily in the redzone. Marvez needs to get his head out of his a$$ & see what is really happening out there.

How about we just put Mcknight on the pratice squad?
if what mcknight is doing..............

Originally posted by booyeah_

How about we just put Mcknight on the pratice squad?
is contagious, i don't want him any where near the team!:mad:
Originally posted by booyeah_

How about we just put Mcknight on the pratice squad?

How about we dip him in used motor oil (10k mi.) And drive him out into the Mohave desert for a nice little walk back.
Something about a receiver trying to catch a football without his hands OR arms really ticks me off, especially at the 1 yrd. line.

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