Failed Capology 303 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Failed Capology 303


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Vikings | More On Goodwin - posted at KFFL (
21:56 PT: Updating an earlier story, the Star Tribune reports the one-year contract signed by TE Hunter Goodwin with the Minnesota Vikings was valued at $675,000 and it included a $25,000 signing bonus. He counts only $450,000 against the 2002 salary cap.

Now I was getting the hang of vets signing for $750 and counting only $450,000 against the 2002 salary cap; but with a signing bonus I am not sure :confused: unless it is anything under 750 for the year :)
Originally posted by VanDolPhan
Up to $750,000 with a top total signing bonus of $25,000 qualifies for the cap reduction.
thanks - interesting that Hunter did not get the full 750, but "only" 700.:rolleyes: Did they really try to save 50K that did not count ag. the cap :eek:
Originally posted by dolphan39
thanks - interesting that Hunter did not get the full 750, but "only" 700.:rolleyes: Did they really try to save 50K that did not count ag. the cap :eek:

Actually I think the numbers are different for your minimum based on how many years you have accrued. 10+ years (don't quote me on that) is the $750,000.
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