Famous Jock Blunders | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Famous Jock Blunders


Seasoned Veteran
Jun 2, 2003
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Fox Sports is doing a top 10 jock blunders piece and number 10 on the list was Leon Letts Super Bowl gaff where he was celebrating with the ball before he got in the endzone and ended up having the ball knocked away by Don Bebe for a touchback.
I was quite suprised to see that he wasn't on that list twice. I mean who can forget that Thanksgiving day gaff in Dallas when tried to pick up the ball after they blocked our field goal and we recovered and ended up winning the game?
Now that was funny ....I don't care who you are!
I wonder what would be Miami's top ten gaff plays in franchise history. One of course would have to be Garo Yepremium's pass/fumble.
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