That's great. I live about a mile from there and there is a bunch of dolfans that won't go there. Its WAY over priced. GO to Adams Beer Garden in Rockaway. We dolfans take over the place. It'sgreat to becaues it's a jets bar. I cant wait to get back down there though. The taxes are killing me here. My close friend just moved to tampa working for KPMG and she loves it. I am working for IBM and I just changed accounts and now work from home. If they keep me on next year and extend my contract I will sell the house. Then I will Buy a 30 foot center cosole and nice house South of Tampa. Thn Ill find some florida chick to take care of me. These jersey girls are out of there minds and all fat. Myself and Bogey( yellow lab) will see you in a year.:up: