feely vs brees | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

feely vs brees


Scout Team
Dec 30, 2003
Reaction score
Halifax,Nova Scotia
Who has the stronger arm? I 'm just thinking in terms of throwing the deep bomb to Boston...It didn't seem as though brees could get the deep ball to boston.
Philly fans say he's got a strong arm and very accurate; cool under pressure. We won't know until we see him in regular season game action.
Brees does have a noodle arm. That is why he was not drafted by Wannstedt when JAmar Fletcher was taken and all the rips he took for not drafting Brees at that time is now gone and everyone sees why.

I'm not sure if Feeley has a strong arm, but I'm pretty sure he does if Spielman would trade a 2nd rounder for him. Spielman likes QB's with strong arms and I doubt he'd go for another noodle.

Feeley is more cool, calm and collected than Brees is and it paid dividends for him in Philly. Feeley is like Brady in that respect but I just have not seen him play enough to say that he Definetely be good with Miami.

That will have to be seen.
Brees came out of a run and gun three step drop system . So a strong arm was not need . I live in Eagle country so I have seen AJ play and he has a much stronger arm in my opinion.
We'll find out how good or bad AJ is in preseason.

Ozzy rules!!
Originally posted by Danny
We'll find out how good or bad AJ is in preseason.

Ozzy rules!!
Wrong...you will in the regular season

I believe ray Lucas was a great preseason qb if I remember correctly
I still wish we had taken Breese. It would be now that we'd KNOW if he was our QB or not. I don't think he'd be franchise quality, but I think he'd do well had he not gone to SD. they seem to have trouble developing QB's for some reason, i wonder if he could have done better elsewhere.
I wanted Drew back then and I still would take him now! He's alot better QB then given credit!
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