Fiedler vs. Griese | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fiedler vs. Griese


Practice Squad
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
It seems time for this thread.

1st let me say we won a hard fought game today and I was very impressed with Norv Turner. He desrves a game ball. After the Giants shut Ricky down he was still able to find a way to run the ball. It was nice to see that we actually do have other weapons than Ricky. Of course the threat of Ricky is a weapon all by itself. Anyway, great win now on to the quarterback position.

Fiedler did not play great today but he did make some tough throws and some good decisions. Although for the season he hasn't seemed as sharp as the first five games of last season. I do still like Fiedler, however I would love to hear what you guys think the pros and cons would be of Fiedler and Griese respectively running our offense.

Pros - good scrambler, accurate in short and intermediate passes, can throw accurately on the run, respected by his teamates, usually makes good quick decisions and doesn't dwell on his mistakes, 2nd year in Turner offense.

Cons - Doesn't have the arm for a consistent long ball, makes some key poor decisions every game, throws too many ints.

Pros - good long ball, good in the pocket, probowl quarterback so will be respected by the team if he quarterbacks.

Cons - 1st year in Turners offense and wasn't here for entire training camp, doesn't scramble well, became introverted in Denver when he didn't perform well which affected the team.

P.S. I don't really know enough about Griese so I'm sure you guys will shed some more light on this.

Take Fiedler a few downs to get warmed up. Kinda hard to tell against the G men D. We knew they would come out hard after all the talk of their weak Pass D.

Now against the Jags, that will tell abit more.
The Giant pass defense is the WORST IN THE LEAGUE!

And Jay still couldn't execute against it. Thank God they don't know how to catch the ball or we lose this game. I can go as far as saying that if they hold on to those passess Jay hits them in the numbers with, that this is a very "Lucas" like game for Jay. Two picks and a fumble would have been the stats.

Jay is having his worst year as a Dolphin. If Miami doesn't get him out of there we are home for Christmas.

"if they hold on to those passess Jay hits them in the numbers with, that this is a very "Lucas" like game for Jay. "

And if I had wheels, I'd be a bicycle.
Re: If?

Originally posted by erralyn
"if they hold on to those passess Jay hits them in the numbers with, that this is a very "Lucas" like game for Jay. "

And if I had wheels, I'd be a bicycle.

And if Jay had an arm and field vision, he'd be an NFL Quarterback.
It doesn't matter when your team has won 3 in a row you don't start changing players unless it an injury that forces your hand.
I see Greise in the end of the season possible start next season.
Greise? NO F'ING way!

Well, just look at what Denver is doing without him. They are doing it with Jake Plummer for christs sakes... If the problem in Denver was "the system" or the coach (I hate shananhan by the way) or the "talent" then why is the team SOO much better without Griese?

I would honestly rather see Sage in there than Brian.
hey erralyn... how much for a ride?

this thread sucks, almost as much as both fiedler and griese suck, actually this thread sucks as bad as everyone THOUGHT madison was gonna suck this year. oh no wait, this thread sucks as bad as royals did suck this year, hahaha.

hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i say we just ditch the whole QB idea and just snap the ball to Ricky and he can do whatever he wants with it...
The thing about Griese is that since his injuries he has been no better than JF. The vast majority of camp observers say that when compared side-by-side Griese's arm strength is equal to or less than JF's. Griese has less time in the system and less knowledge of the offense. JF has more practice time with the wrs than Griese. The team believes in JF. Griese would still have to earn that faith. JF is more athletic and mobile than Griese and our o-line has questions. Most improtantly, the team is winning with JF. Could someone please explain the logic behind starting Griese. And please make it something more compelling than we have nothing to lose, b/c we do, games.
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