Fin Heaven's BIG free agent signing... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fin Heaven's BIG free agent signing...


The Human Bullet
Sep 2, 2001
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For those of you who haven't heard, the Yahoo Clubs have drastically changed their format. It is not for the better, and Mark (Gunn) was the founder of our Yahoo Club.

We are bringing Mark aboard as a new Moderator, and are slowly going to be asking the Yahoo members to join Fin Heaven (if they haven't already) and have just one website.

In conjunction, we will also be looking to add a really nice Chat Room, so we don't lose that feature, and this way we can also get together for chat sessions.

Anyway, if you see "Gunn" on the boards welcome him, he is Fin Heaven's major FA signing of the year. :D
Sorry about the Yahoo thing. I never seemed to make it past FinHeaven. ;)

Welcome Gunn and all our new members!! :D
That is the beauty of it 984, he is Vet min!!!!

Great to be here

Well, thank you all for the warm welcome. I’m glad to be here on a permanent basis and looking forward to getting to know everyone. Hopefully we can persuade many of the 650 members we had at Yahoo to come on over too, I see some have already started making their way here!

Thanks again to 87 and AJ who helped build our great club at Yahoo before they decided on their new and “improved†format, it will be Yahoo’s loss. Besides, it looks to me like this is the place to be.

Hey Gunn! Thanks for bringing me here, this place is a lot better than Yahell. I'm sure everyone is just waiting to here my wonderful "Fiedler is the best" comments right? LMAO, just kiddin'. I'm looking forward to staying here permanently too since Yahell screwed us over.
Hey 87!

Long time no see 87, it's Dolph......yet another casulty of Yahell's "improvement". Sucks when they fix stuff that ain't broken. I notice a few members from my old club here too. Looking forward to hanging out and chatting and stuff!

The site finally let me post messages, been trying for 2 days least I think it will let me, won't know till I hit "send"..LOL!!

Hey Breck, Ice...00agent.....god, I hope Boofalo Boy joins too...I'll miss his ignorance!!
Originally posted by dolfan87
For those of you who haven't heard, the Yahoo Clubs have drastically changed their format. It is not for the better, and Mark (Gunn) was the founder of our Yahoo Club.

We are bringing Mark aboard as a new Moderator, and are slowly going to be asking the Yahoo members to join Fin Heaven (if they haven't already) and have just one website.

In conjunction, we will also be looking to add a really nice Chat Room, so we don't lose that feature, and this way we can also get together for chat sessions.

Anyway, if you see "Gunn" on the boards welcome him, he is Fin Heaven's major FA signing of the year. :D
Welcome aboard Mark and other Yahoo transients,, There can NEVER be enough Miami Dolphin fans on this web site, (or in the world for that matter) . This is probably one of the best Dolphin sites that has ever graced the internet !! Marino1983 :) :D
Re: Hey 87!

Originally posted by Dolphan5499
Long time no see 87, it's Dolph......yet another casulty of Yahell's "improvement". Sucks when they fix stuff that ain't broken. I notice a few members from my old club here too. Looking forward to hanging out and chatting and stuff!

The site finally let me post messages, been trying for 2 days least I think it will let me, won't know till I hit "send"..LOL!!

Hey Breck, Ice...00agent.....god, I hope Boofalo Boy joins too...I'll miss his ignorance!!

Yeah, he will go to the board and he will join this one. Lots of Buffalo fans come here and say they are going to have a winning season, he would get along with them.
Re: Re: Hey 87!

Originally posted by iceblizzard69

Yeah, he will go to the board and he will join this one. Lots of Buffalo fans come here and say they are going to have a winning season, he would get along with them.

I've seen some of his posts in the Bills club, he fights and argues as much with them as he did with us, LOL.
We have PLENTY of Buffalo fans who visit. Have no fear, your buffalo fix will be supplied here.
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