FinFans are weak at home, the Marlins showed more noise. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

FinFans are weak at home, the Marlins showed more noise.


Practice Squad
Sep 26, 2003
Reaction score
I'll right I'm calling out every single ticket holder to next MNF game against Philly. I think that the Pro is the quietest :sleep: stadium in the league, and the fans give up faster than the players!!!:fire:

I thought South Florida knew how to make some noise after watching how loud stadiums get at Seminole and Marlins games. The Yankees could hear themselves think during the finals. Yet untill that Redskins game I didn't see the fans do ****. Your sitting down, being quiet on D. Are the games down their just the place to be seen and not heard. If so the season ticket holders need to give em up to some college students. Bring air horns, Thundersticks, have ships at dock all blow horns at the same time what ever it takes, your own keys. Scream until you go horse.

We can still win this thing!
The fans???....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this pile of garbage we Phinz fans call a team could win at home, and play like a real team, they'd get the noise they deserve!!!....

Until then, they haven't earned it.....:evil:

Three home losses, with two home games left. This team could easily end up with five home losses once it's all said and done. Does that sound like a team that deserves respect from their home crowd???.....Not to me it doesn't.

I've been a season ticket holder for 9 years now, and I pay good money every season to come out and watch these guys. They don't show up half the time, and when they don't show, the fans shouldn't have to either. This is our team as much as it is theirs.....

How many times have we been playing from behind at home this year??? Te only game we dominated was the Monday Night game against the Bills, and that wasn't a lock until the final mintues. Since then, we've sqeaked out two wins by the skin on our teeth.....9-6 and 24-23.

I support them, and I lose my voice after every game becasue I make alot noise. It hasn't made any differnce IMO.....

PHINZ RULE!!!!:fire:
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