WharfRat said:
srdnaty said:you should have a sign when the saints score that says "read dolphin fans complain at about our defense at finheaven.com" or "Hey phinsfans watching on Tv, post on finheaven.com if you see this" or my favorite "talk to srdnaty at finheaven.com" this one would probably flood the boards with millions of new visitors.
WharfRat said:
arsenal said:finheaven.com - where zach can be a SS and nick saban is a bust!
but seriously dont have just a finheaven sign, some kinda dolphins witty line or something, then at the bottom just put the finheaven.com there... cause you still want something supporting the dolphins...
arsenal said:finheaven.com - where zach can be a SS and nick saban is a bust!