Fins interested in Rashidi Barnes | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fins interested in Rashidi Barnes


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Rashidi Barnes

NFL | Teams in Hot Pursuit of Barnes - posted at KFFL (
14:36 PT: NFL Europe S Rashidi Barnes, who was a sixth-round draft choice of the Browns, is drawing interest across the league. Quite a few teams, including the Dallas Cowboys, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos and Chicago Bears, have expressed a significant interest in his services. He's likely to make a decision on which team to sign with sometime next week.

I cannot imagine why when S is our deepest position :rolleyes:
Originally posted by dolphan39
Rashidi Barnes

NFL | Teams in Hot Pursuit of Barnes - posted at KFFL (
14:36 PT: NFL Europe S Rashidi Barnes, who was a sixth-round draft choice of the Browns, is drawing interest across the league. Quite a few teams, including the Dallas Cowboys, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos and Chicago Bears, have expressed a significant interest in his services. He's likely to make a decision on which team to sign with sometime next week.

I cannot imagine why when S is our deepest position :rolleyes:

Maybe b/c this guy is kicking butt in Europe.
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