Fisher doesn't decide today, Ross must move on and tell him no. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fisher doesn't decide today, Ross must move on and tell him no.


FinHeaven VIP
Mar 29, 2005
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Everyone knows Fisher is holding 2 clubs hostage and we are one of the ones auditioning for a 17 year track record of mediocrity to possibly be the highest paid coach in the league because like the elections it is who is the best of the worst this year (might be a run on sentance, hope my english teacher doesn't post here). Everyone knows that everyone posting here has been demanding since the day we interviewed him that he needs to decide that day or we move on. I have not been one of those people until now. I am not a fan of hiring him, but I will support him if he does come here. His name alone will bring free agents. Today the circus act has to stop though. At midnight it ends. 12:01am even if he says yes, we say no.
If he doesn't decide today then there is more to the story then just figuring out what's the best situation for him.
Is he the best we can do? I think that is the question we have to start asking.
It's not Fisher's decision. Fisher laid out his demands in terms of organizational structure, authority, etc. It's the Dolphins that are dragging their feet. Fisher is the one telling the Dolphins that either they sh-t or get off the pot today because if they don't decide by today he's going to the Rams.
It's not Fisher's decision. Fisher laid out his demands in terms of organizational structure, authority, etc. It's the Dolphins that are dragging their feet. Fisher is the one telling the Dolphins that either they sh-t or get off the pot today because if they don't decide by today he's going to the Rams.
Then Ross needs to **** or get off the pot.
It's not Fisher's decision. Fisher laid out his demands in terms of organizational structure, authority, etc. It's the Dolphins that are dragging their feet. Fisher is the one telling the Dolphins that either they sh-t or get off the pot today because if they don't decide by today he's going to the Rams.

Ck, if u dont mind, whats ur thoughts on fisher as a potential head coach for us? Right fit? Another J.J, sporono etc?
Is he worth all of this etc? Please an honest assesment
I for one don't want a mediocre coach who doesn't even know enough that he can leave a cheap and meddlesome owner instead of re-upping several times and then ironically being kicked to the curb, to have unlimited access to the pantry and what goes in it.

IMO Ross should draw a line in the sand that identifies and quantifies amount of influence more so than absolute control, set tonight at the stroke of midnight as the deadline and if a no go, turn this blemished Cinderella back into an average looking pumpkin and move on!
Until their next choices appear to be getting jobs somewhere else, I don't see what the rush is? Cause YOU can't wait?
Is it possible that Fisher is talking to the playoff assistant coaches that he is interested in, and trying to get some commitments?
The guys are real busy, preparing for their playoff games and don't want the distraction.
Maybe getting these commitments is holding him up?
Since he is not employed by Miami yet, he can discuss the parameters and salary with out tampering?
I think he will announce his decision when his guys are done for the season. That might take a couple of more weeks.
For example..If he announces that Greg Williams from New Orleans joining him in Miami, this could adversely affect their playoff run.
I think it will probably come down to how much personel control Ireland is willing to give up. Neither team is going to give in to all his demands.
Everyone knows Fisher is holding 2 clubs hostage and we are one of the ones auditioning for a 17 year track record of mediocrity to possibly be the highest paid coach in the league because like the elections it is who is the best of the worst this year (might be a run on sentance, hope my english teacher doesn't post here). Everyone knows that everyone posting here has been demanding since the day we interviewed him that he needs to decide that day or we move on. I have not been one of those people until now. I am not a fan of hiring him, but I will support him if he does come here. His name alone will bring free agents. Today the circus act has to stop though. At midnight it ends. 12:01am even if he says yes, we say no.
I agree. I'm already done with the fisher thing n could careless if he comes or not. No matter which team gets him he better produce results asap because he's behaving like his credentials are that of a superbowl winning coach.
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