Flores really has an inflated sense of self importance brought on by beating a lot of backup QB's the last few years. Unbelievable how much noise a guy who never made the playoffs as a head coach can make.
As for the lawsuit affecting you getting the Texans job - well I mean no **** Sherlock. If there was an organization that didn't take it into consideration they aren't competent and you shouldn't want to work for them, ironically enough. It's hard enough to coach in this league, now you're gonna talk about divided attention, media distractions, etc? I mean who volunteers for that stuff when you can avoid it? And who would want to hire a guy who brought that upon himself? Who wouldn't have their evaluation of a guy's competence marred by the stupidity of filing a lawsuit against the league you're trying to get hired by?
But let's set that aside. Maybe even the worst thing about it all is that he has tried to sell out his former employer. Nobody is going to want to bring in a guy who is going to air out the organization's dirty laundry as soon as he's out the door. Guys are hired and fired all the time in this league. It's an accepted part of the business that coaching is pretty much a nomadic life for all but a select few HOF caliber coaches. Firings come with the job, and with rare exception both sides generally maintain a degree of class in the whole thing. It's just not beneficial for an employer to bring someone in that they aren't gonna be able to trust, and that they know will attack them if every deemed expendable like often happens in this league.
Flores done messed up A-Aaron. I'm only disappointed that we won't get to see him continue his mediocre coaching experiencing so people stop getting so butthurt that a guy with 0 playoff berths was fired (many of those are not even Dolphin fans).