Florida based fans...??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Florida based fans...???


The Human Bullet
Sep 2, 2001
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Ok folks, I know this is a bit early in the year to be asking this, however, does anyone plan on attending training camp this season?

I want to get input from anyone who actually goes, and make a regular training camp update.

I know some of you will only be able to attend one or two, but any information sent back is both interesting, and also makes for good conversation.

I might even be inclined to send out a little something from the "Original Gear" catalog, for regular Training Camp reports...it's an incentive kind of thing. :D

I usually attend at least a few pactices every year.
If I do the same this year (work permitting), I would be glad to report on the action.
One word of caution that I have found over the years as it pertains to training camp:
A lot of times, people (fans/media) read too much into what they see, or hear, or read about training camp performances.
If someone says "So and so Free agent back up long snapper" had a good play or looked good, too many times people have this guy going to the hall of fame.
So I try to accept what I see at face value, and understand that this is not full speed NFL game action, it is what it is.
It is very important, but, sometimes people can overreact to it and jump to conclusions that are really not there.
Thats one of the thing that I miss the most...It was like a yearly thing me and my friends would do. I'd take my son and a few friends and head out for the morning practices and then go bowling at that alley off of (595 and Broward?!? can't remember) Anyways...we always had a blast.
I'll be at the scrimmages against the Bucs in August. And I always have a little something to say after I go.
I'll be at.....oh wait a minute, I live in SoCal and can't get anywhere near Florida for training camp. Oh well, I guess I'll have to rely on you guys for information then. Get some good info for all of us fans in absentia. :D
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