For All The Jay Haters, Marino Lovers... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

For All The Jay Haters, Marino Lovers...


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Well Well... I looked up the history... seems that Dan "The Man" was winless against the 49ers...

01/20/85 -- San Francisco 38, Miami 16 (Superbowl)
09/28/86 -- San Francisco 31, at Miami 16
12/06/92 -- at San Francisco 27, Miami 3
11/20/95 -- San Francisco 44, at Miami 20

According to all of you, Dan Marino is nothing but a career backup... I mean, he lost against a NFC opponent and all... thats right, backup for life... he totally sucks... :lol:
I have to go wrap some Christmas presents...

But I just wanted to say that I thought it was funny that once I brought up a very good comparison, that all the trash talk stopped.

Anyways, gotta go...
Trash talk...

hasn't stopped, just tired of saying that JAY FIEDLER IS HORRIBLE. A couple good games and you dare compare him to MARINO. Put your crack pipe down and step away from the table. What a freakin' pathetic comparison.

:monkey: YOU
:monkey: Jay
jay is actually worse.............

than somebody with no talent at all. he thinks he has what it takes to do a lot of things. he's obviously mistaken!:rolleyes:
Dan was better in Highschool than Jay now!!

On behalf of myself and many Dan Marino fans I say this , please dont mention that other QB. who is now playing for the Dolphins and compare anything between them.He is not even worthy to wash Dan's jokstrap and socks!!! Let alone be mentioned in the same sentence by name. Dont compare a nobody like him to the one of the best to ever play the game!!!

AJ, I find it insulting that you would compare Marino to Fiedler based upon there record versus the 49ers.

How many times were Marino teams shutout?
People people.... I didn't mean it like that... I love Marino. I have a ton of memorbilia, and I will never ever dislike Marino.

I posted the stat not to show that "Marino sucked" cause he didn't, never will, never has. Marino is the best quarterback of all time, ring or no ring, open up the record books and that shows it all. Marino should be in the Hall Of Fame now, regardless of the rules that the player must be retired for 5 years, Marino deserves a place in Canton now!

Fiedler will never compare to Marino, not in his wildest dreams.

I was simply implying that even though Marino was great, if there isn't a total team playing (good Defense, running game, o-line) that the quarterback, no matter how good or bad, can win the game alone.... thats all.

984 is right, marino made his first start 10/09/83, the SF game was 11/06/83 and the fins won 20-17! ;)
OK ok... so he was 1-4 against the 49ers. Give Fiedler 5 chances, and I'm sure he can pull that off.

Again, not comparing Marino to Fiedler. Just making a stat.

Anyways, I gotta go to bed. This week will be very very busy for me as Mid-terms are up. So every day, one class has a 2 1/2 hour testing period. I hate tests. BUT after this week there is a 2 1/2 week vacation!!! YEA!

Anyways, c ya later...

And remember this...

Could of, would of, should of... it doesn't really matter... its over.
Stop this Marino garbage! Jay Feidler has nothing to do w/Dan Marino. I have no problem critisizing Jay, but all you people that keep bringing up Dan,like he is super man, every time Jay has a bad game are annoying! The fact is we don't have a very good team right now, our o-line is like watching spanish mattadors perform, our qb reminds me of Jeckly and Hyde, and our defense might as well be the scarecrow from wizard of oz becuase if they don't find a heart soon we will be ousted from the playoffsin horrific fashion. Bottom line is Jay wasn't good today because he was inaccurate when he did have time, and when he didn't he loked as though he was tied to a whipping post. Not because he is the qb of the team that Dan Marino played for.
all these things are true........

Stop this Marino garbage! Jay Feidler has nothing to do w/Dan Marino. I have no problem critisizing Jay, but all you people that keep bringing up Dan,like he is super man, every time Jay has a bad game are annoying! The fact is we don't have a very good team right now, our o-line is like watching spanish mattadors perform, our qb reminds me of Jeckly and Hyde, and our defense might as well be the scarecrow from wizard of oz becuase if they don't find a heart soon we will be ousted from the playoffsin horrific fashion. Bottom line is Jay wasn't good today because he was inaccurate when he did have time, and when he didn't he loked as though he was tied to a whipping post. Not because he is the qb of the team that Dan Marino played for.

i'm not even tried to compare fiedler to marino. the only point i've been trying to get across is when you're down by 21, with 5 min to go, why on earth don't you want to try your backup. you've lost the damn game, you know you can't score, so what does it hurt? :fire:

you know the answer - Wanne does not want Lucas to come in and get a meanlingless TD and then have everyone start thinking Lucas s/b our starter when can still close out the season an incredible 12-4.
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