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??? For Pats Fans!!!

Originally posted by mike_vee
typical pats game when the game is on the line there's always a ref ready to give the pats the edge ... and that's how they win their games . never mind that they make the plays the phins would make plays too if the refs would be giving them all the IMPORTANT calls at the end of the games . just to refresh everyones minds 1- they get the call on a sure fumble against the raiders near the end of course and they win in o.t. , 2 - they get a pass interference when nobody even touched anyone against miami in last year's finale in which they win in o.t. , and 3 - a mysterious holding call wipes out an interception that asures the victory for the texans instead win again in o.t. and i can go on and on , anyways they suck and hopefully miami will kick their asses in two weeks ... thats of course if the refs let the players decide who's the better team .:yell:

What a stupid post. Yea, the Pats are 9-2 because of the refs.

Sure that was a questionable call at the end, but so was the exact same call on Wilson that led to the Texans first score.

Over a 16 games season, every team will gets some calls and also have calls go against them.

Blaming the refs is the sorriest excuse that can be made.
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Originally posted by mike_vee
typical pats game when the game is on the line there's always a ref ready to give the pats the edge ... and that's how they win their games . never mind that they make the plays the phins would make plays too if the refs would be giving them all the IMPORTANT calls at the end of the games . just to refresh everyones minds 1- they get the call on a sure fumble against the raiders near the end of course and they win in o.t. , 2 - they get a pass interference when nobody even touched anyone against miami in last year's finale in which they win in o.t. , and 3 - a mysterious holding call wipes out an interception that asures the victory for the texans instead win again in o.t. and i can go on and on , anyways they suck and hopefully miami will kick their asses in two weeks ... thats of course if the refs let the players decide who's the better team .:yell:
What about the f-ed up coin toss and obvious screw up on the Thompson catch in overtime against us? In that game, it felt like we were given (by the refs) every oppourtunity to win the game and still could not. That's the difference between us and the Pats. While they always take advantage of the oppourtunities they are given, we sometimes find a way to lose in spite of being given many oppourtunities.

They are 9-2 and we are 7-4. Whether it is because they execute in critical times, out coach every one they play against or they get very lucky time and time again, the refs did not give them that 9-2 record.

As for the '01 Super Bowl Championship and Tuck Rule fiasco, that's another story.
Some very intellegent posts actually.

Look at the Pats two OT games this year.

Miami game.

Refs give Miami the coin flip. Refs give Miami that BS out of bounds 30 yard catch. But Pats hold on and win.

Texans Game

Pats lose coin flip AGAIN (we have lost 11 straight coin flips)

Pats immediately pick off Banks.

Kick is blocked

(When Miami missed the kick, they folded. When the Pats had the kick blocked.....)

Texans drive right down the field, but the D makes a down to wire stand to keep the Texans out of Figgy range.

Pats do nothing on offense and Brady is sacked.

31 yard punt. Texans get the ball on the 35.

90% of teams would cash it in here. Instead, the Patrios push the Texans back 5 yards and force another punt.

We let Brady air it out. Penalty which you guys are complaining about (it was questionable)

Pats kick Fieldgoal and win the game.


We make our own luck.
What do I think about the Patriots?

I love this team. I mean I truly, truly love this team.

They refuse to lose. Whatever the circumstances, this team finds a way to come through. I think we're actually underachieving in the sense that our best football is still ahead of us. We've been winning a lot of games despite some erratic play. It's not that we haven't played well in those games. It's just that we haven't played well throughout an entire game yet. That being said there is definitely a condidence brooming around this team. They've got that MAGIC feeling again.

What do I think about the ways the Patriots are winning? I think we play up and down to the level of our competition. Our defense has been consistently dominant but our offense is like a roller coaster. It thrills us and provides moments of complete extacy(sp?) but it also pisses us off and frustrates us beyond measure.

The main problem on the offensive side of the ball is a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot. Whether its bad play calling, penalties, or more penalties, our offense finds ways to drive us crazy. Thankfully they always seem to come through when it matters most but frankly, most of us could do without all the drama. I don't know how much more my heart can take.

Despite what many of you people think about the officiating, the truth is that this team has been victimized by an inordinate amount of questionable calls this season. But the amazing thing is that none of those bad calls have come back to haunt us. Somehow, someway the Patriots find a way to fight through every adverse situation they've been in. It's that fighting spirit that makes this team so special, so lovable. When something bad happens, they don't get discouraged, they don't quit...........THEY FIGHT HARDER!

Simply put....This team is every fans dream. They really are....
Originally posted by fearthefish

of course than there was the mysterious defensive holding call??? I'm still looking for the hold

Forget the holding call for one second. Why did the Texans go with 2 straight running plays when they had the ball at the NE 35 yard line in OT. Every single person who knew anything about football knew that Dom Capers (being an ultra conservative coach) was going to run the ball. A play fake would have probably worked great. Furthermore what the HELL do the Houston Texans have to lose anyway? I was disgusted becasue I didn't feel Houston was playing to win, I felt like they were playing not to lose. God I hate that. Say what you want about New England but they always play to win. I've never seen the Pats play a game just not to lose.
Originally posted by PatsFanTX
Blaming the refs is the sorriest excuse that can be made.

I dunno, I think Seattle could make a very good case for Blaming the Refs and having an argument that sticks after Sundays game.
Originally posted by Rrodr038

What about the f-ed up coin toss and obvious screw up on the Thompson catch in overtime against us? In

Oh come on, on that Thompson catch he would have come down in bounds if he wasn't pushed out... I'll grant ya the Coin flip, but that call on the catch was easily the right one.
Pats.........must be football gods blue-eyed boys. They seemed to be blessed with luck weekly. They are a hair away from being 5-6. but hopefully we will do our part and take care of business these next 5 games and then they can get a wildcard on the road. (What they deserve)
We let Brady air it out. Penalty which you guys are complaining about (it was questionable)

Pats kick Fieldgoal and win the game.


We make our own luck. [/B][/QUOTE]

Just to clarify Pay boy, every ESPN post game segment questioned the holding call. Chris Berman said " I Didn't see the hold"
Originally posted by Barbarian

Oh come on, on that Thompson catch he would have come down in bounds if he wasn't pushed out... I'll grant ya the Coin flip, but that call on the catch was easily the right one.
If that was the case, the ref would have motioned that he was forced out, which did not happen. The refs never saw that Thompson's feet (both of them, hence feet, not foot) were out of bounds. If at the very least, the Dolphins didn't think the call was close or that it was an "easy" call, they would not have rushed to the line to avoid a review. IMO (and in the commentators' opinions) there was no way it was a catch, but at the bare minimum, it was a "questionable" call.
Originally posted by Rrodr038

If that was the case, the ref would have motioned that he was forced out, which did not happen. The refs never saw that Thompson's feet (both of them, hence feet, not foot) were out of bounds. If at the very least, the Dolphins didn't think the call was close or that it was an "easy" call, they would not have rushed to the line to avoid a review. IMO (and in the commentators' opinions) there was no way it was a catch, but at the bare minimum, it was a "questionable" call.

The league stated afterwords that the ref said he was pushed out, regardless of a lack of motioning (gee, the refs are human and he motioned it was a catch instead of a catch pushed out of bounds... go figure)

and for players on the sidelines it was questionable at full speed, but looking at the replay it was pretty fricken obvious to anybody that isn't biased (everybody at the sportsbar that I was at agreed he was pushed out, and it was full of SF Bay Area Fans Including a local college Referee) So regardless of what your slanted opinion is, it was pretty obvious to anybody with decent eyesight that it was in fact a catch.
Talk about favorable treatment.

The texans get called for the "phantom" hold that hands the game to the patties.

2 minutes earlier tony banks aired one out for andre Johnson to the 10 yard line and was mugged and NO CALL.

To beat the patties, you cannot leave it to the refs....they will always find a way to give the patties an advantage.
Originally posted by XNOUGHT
Some very intellegent posts actually.

Look at the Pats two OT games this year.

Miami game.

Refs give Miami the coin flip. Refs give Miami that BS out of bounds 30 yard catch. But Pats hold on and win.

Texans Game

Pats lose coin flip AGAIN (we have lost 11 straight coin flips)

Pats immediately pick off Banks.

Kick is blocked

(When Miami missed the kick, they folded. When the Pats had the kick blocked.....)

Texans drive right down the field, but the D makes a down to wire stand to keep the Texans out of Figgy range.

Pats do nothing on offense and Brady is sacked.

31 yard punt. Texans get the ball on the 35.

90% of teams would cash it in here. Instead, the Patrios push the Texans back 5 yards and force another punt.

We let Brady air it out. Penalty which you guys are complaining about (it was questionable)

Pats kick Fieldgoal and win the game.


We make our own luck.

There was nothing wrong with the coin flip, if you continued ot watch espn after, they explained why the pats were confused. They use the eagle side of the coin as heads, they showed hte two sides. The dolphins called heads and it landed on the eagle, so the pats thought it was tales.

The refs didn't give miami that catch, they ripped a play out of the pats playbook. Hurry to the line and get the next play off before they can review it, live and die by the sword my friend.

I wouldnt have a problem with the call if it didn't change the game, if it was just a botched call. But it changed the game, it was texans ball right there, and out of no where they call some bogus penalty, that is a little hard to overcome. Then the phantom PI call in miami, which the nfl apologized about later... and the "tuck rule" it's funny how that has only worked out once. yet there have been about 20 identical plays since then all ruled as a fumble....

Good job taking advantage of the calls and games given to you though. I am not saying you won all your games this year by the ref's.... just the texans game.
It's ok, I GARUNTEE teh pats do win, nor do they get the superbowl or even afc championship game. Their team is not good enough, the refs won't hand them games at curtial times all season long. I bet they get smashed by the colts to...... can't wait for that game.
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