Not sure who had him as a preseason 1st rounder or why. He was never a 3 down player at LSU.
Secondly, his background was sketchy. He was arrested twice at LSU. Domestic violence and some other situation about throwing firecrackers in an apartment.
Essentially....two down player, character red flags, along with poor agility testing caused him to fall in the draft. However, jim1 is correct that he was a team player for LSU. Coaches loved him and never had an issue with him.
He was a 3rd round talent that slipped a little further than his talent warranted. I dinged his grade significantly myself.
What Miami has seen glimpses of so far in preseason are the good things that he already had, which are incredibly strong and effective hands to shed blockers with relative ease, and excellent pad level.
It only gets tougher from here to remain consistent. If he really is ready to work, Jordan Phillips had no shot against that cat. Godchaux is better.