FOX has Central FL Fins fans PO'd. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

FOX has Central FL Fins fans PO'd.


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
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Inside your head
Yeah man, last week I'm in line at the store here in Orlando and this guy's telling me that FOX is going to show Redskins games over Phins games 'cause of Spurrier being a God in this area.:rolleyes: So this weekend I'm in Gainesville (I mean Canesville:cool: ) and today I turned on FOX to watch the Phins game and lo and behold, it's Arizona and Washington! Needless to say, I was pissed. Me and my dad both emailed and called FOX and bitched 'em out. They said on the phone that they've received hundreds of obscene phone calls today, I hope all the calls change their mind about which team to show on tv.:cool:
I hope so....I'm here in Richmond, VA and everyone around here thinks that the Redskins are our team...rediculous...Washington is it's own city and not even part of VA in my there's no way they are VA's team. Just cause we don't have a team in this state doesn't mean you can pick one that does that's close and call it your own :rolleyes: I hope they change it...tired of watching all the Redskins games (I don't actually watch it, I turn the channel but you get my drift ;))...Show me some Miami Dolphins football!!!!!! :cool: :fire:
Jaydog, I'm in Palatka, and since the draguars have been around we rarley get a chance to see the Phins. Next team for the leftcoast city of angels, my vote .Draguars. BTW what is the e-mail address for fox?
I just checked the TV guide online for the game next week at Indy. Well... it's off to the sports bar we go, cause CBS is showing the Jax game, as it is an away game for them and that takes priority over the Phins when we play at the same time. So once again we get the shaft!

:( :( :(
If you don't get the Fins, then go to a sports bar or get NFL Sunday Ticket. :) I will never miss a Fins game again! :)
Time to move out of Orlando and get down to South Florida. Then you can go to the games and you don't have to worry about them being on TV.

Of course I would have been upset too.
NFL Sunday ticket is not that expensive so why not just bone up and buy the package?
Its 179 dollars for the whole season, but when you get it you also get every single channel during that timespan so you don't need to order any other packages cuz its all included.
Originally posted by Expo88
NFL Sunday ticket is not that expensive so why not just bone up and buy the package?

Just got hooked up with the DirectTV this week. I got the NFL Ticket ($189) and their Premium programming ($81 a month) for 4 months for free. It's a great deal... and when you get to the end of the 4 months you are able to downgrade to their cheaper programming packages with no penalty. :cool: I think this is a new subscriber package deal... but I could be wrong.


PS: Oh BTW wasn't it refreshing not to be able to call the plays before the offense ran them... LOL :evil:
Originally posted by Expo88
NFL Sunday ticket is not that expensive so why not just bone up and buy the package?

Could be cheaper than a sports bar. The bar that I was in has a $10 minimum.

However, seing the Phins kick ass......PRICELESS!!!

Go Phins!!!
yeah jaydog, i've been pissed off about this for a LONG TIME! this year i looked at cbs's programming and saw they are going to play 5 baguars games instead of phins...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...$55.00 a month for 4 months for nfl sunday ticket and 180+ channels...f#$k the local channels, let them show their loser ass games. the really bad part is...the nfl wins out no matter what!
can somebody settle an argument for me

Originally posted by Zman

Just got hooked up with the DirectTV this week. I got the NFL Ticket ($189) and their Premium programming ($81 a month) for 4 months for free. It's a great deal... and when you get to the end of the 4 months you are able to downgrade to their cheaper programming packages with no penalty. :cool: I think this is a new subscriber package deal... but I could be wrong.


PS: Oh BTW wasn't it refreshing not to be able to call the plays before the offense ran them... LOL :evil:
i heard "dish network" was buying out direct tv, not really the network, but the parent companies. i've had several people tell me the same thing, but my son, who has direct, says its the other way around. actually it makes no difference to me, because i have dish and if both companies are the same, maybe i can get nfl ticket, otherwise its a sports bar every week. the one i go to doesn't have a minimum but i always drop $10 or $15.
The Parent Company of "Dish Network", Goldstar is in the process of buying Hughes Communications, which owns Direct TV. However as of now there no plans to merge the services prior to the end of 2003. Direct TV's exclusive NFL satelite option will last through the 2003 season.
Living in the southeast side of Virginia, I realize the Redskins are the most popular and the adopted team in this state. I'm use to it. The thing that gets me it that CBS showed the Ravens V Pathers game. Not the Jets V Bills game. When did either of these teams creep into region as teams anyone wants to watch? This area is an AFC East and NFC East region. All I have to say is thank goodness for DirectTV and the NFL package.
I went to a GREAT cajun restaurant here in Plano to watch the game. Excellent food and I had three games on...Phins (of course) Bills/Jets and Vikes/Bears...I was in heaven...They will let you watch any game you want. They have 25 tvs with any game you want to***ingtastic...:eek:
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