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Fox Sports: Dolphins Team Report


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
A subtle but very interesting storyline is playing out in this draft with new coach Nick Saban; he's working on possible trades of Pro Bowl CB Patrick Surtain and the No. 2 overall pick in the draft. Despite this year being considered a buyer's market for trades, Saban is holding firm on his desire for value for Surtain (he wants at least a second-round pick) and the traditional value for the No. 2 pick, according to the draft value chart that most teams use. Saban has said those thoughts publicly and is holding firm privately. The important part of this is that Saban doesn't want to give the impression that he will merely wholesale players and picks as he reworks the Dolphins' roster. In the past, new coaches have often gotten rid of players for a lot less than normal value or simply cut them . . .

Keeping Surtain, which Saban said he will do, will have a big impact on the cap. With a base salary of $5.9 million for Surtain this year, the Dolphins would have to rework at least two big contracts (DE Jason Taylor and LB Zach Thomas seem likely) to keep Surtain and sign their draft picks. It's a problematic situation for Saban, who doesn't want to keep investing money in veteran players.
CB Mario Edwards was recently signed to a one-year deal as depth in case the Dolphins end up trading Surtain. But the signing of Edwards is also an indication of what the Dolphins figure to do with their cornerbacks next season. Edwards, Surtain, Sam Madison, Will Poole and Reggie Howard are all physical cornerbacks who need to play in bump coverage. Look for the Dolphins to continue their aggressive style behind a beefier front seven as Saban slowly changes the defensive approach.
Yeah aint no way we get rid of Surtain for a friggin 4th rounder. Saban knows his job is on the line here and how can he ***** about the past if he ends up doing the same thing? You can't. The thing that people are forgetting here is that This supposed contract deal with KC never ever happened as reported. It was a huge Media thing. We can always rework deals.

My prediction is that KC will either back down come second round of draft day or we will be dealing Patrick Surtain for a late 1st or second this summer. Saban will do what needs to be done for the long haul. That makes KC really desperate after the draft if this does not happen and I imagine that Saban will close the door on KC. And Vermiel will go into retirement.
I like how Saban is stubborn when it comes to holding firm on getting value in his moves or lack of moves. If they are not willing to give him what they should he will simply keep the player and get value out of that player that way. I like that rational a lot.
I thought Reggie was a better zone cornerback?
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