Fox's Bruce Jacobs | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fox's Bruce Jacobs


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Sep 11, 2004
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Have you guys ever listen to him late night on Fox radio? He is a jets homer and his whole program Friday morning was about how stupid dolphin fans are and how Joey is a pitiful q.b.. I mean, not just one segment of his program but it seemed like the whole program. He can talk about one subject but then he will revert back to how sorry miami is and how the jets will beat the phins again. What a waist of air space.:shakeno:
kellyh3034 said:
Have you guys ever listen to him late night on Fox radio? He is a jets homer and his whole program Friday morning was about how stupid dolphin fans are and how Joey is a pitiful q.b.. I mean, not just one segment of his program but it seemed like the whole program. He can talk about one subject but then he will revert back to how sorry miami is and how the jets will beat the phins again. What a waist of air space.:shakeno:

What does he have to say about the play of the great chad Pennington? Those Jets are playing so well that even with the easiest remaining schedule in football most still don't think they'll make it to the postseason.
If he gets under your skin, then don't listen to him. If I don't like a media person, then I just turn the channel.
kellyh3034 said:
Have you guys ever listen to him late night on Fox radio? He is a jets homer and his whole program Friday morning was about how stupid dolphin fans are and how Joey is a pitiful q.b.. I mean, not just one segment of his program but it seemed like the whole program. He can talk about one subject but then he will revert back to how sorry miami is and how the jets will beat the phins again. What a waist of air space.:shakeno:

There's a reason why he is on in the middle of the night.
I didn't say I like him. Nor was I listening to him because I disliked him. It was just funny to me that a national sports talk show would have a clown talking the way he did like it was a conservative talk show.
Like a "conservative" talk show huh? Ever listened to Air America?
Anyway Bruce is an idiot, but still a funny idiot.
Did any of you guys watch the NFL Today this morning/afternoon?

They have that GM guy on the show (not sure of his name) but he was talking about the way the Lions introduced Harrington. He said in his 27 years of covering the NFL he had never seen a player MOCKED in pre game intros. He said it was ridiculous what they did and they should be ashamed as an organization.
That GM was Charlie Cass?????, anyway, he use to be with Washington and Houston. Not sure what other teams he worked for. He also mentioned (a while back) that in the past offseason, he would have traded for Daunte over signing Brees. For a QB, the arm/shoulder is more important than the knee.
If Brees reinjures his arm, the Daunts trade is good again. We just gotta get him healed up correctly. I still back the Daunte trade.
steveincolorado said:
That GM was Charlie Cass?????, anyway, he use to be with Washington and Houston. Not sure what other teams he worked for. He also mentioned (a while back) that in the past offseason, he would have traded for Daunte over signing Brees. For a QB, the arm/shoulder is more important than the knee.

Yeah I like that guy. He has a neat little segment they do every week and when I can actully get up at 9, I watch it. (That's like once or twice a season.:lol: )
I was listening also and he said Miami fans just revert back to 1972 all the time. He also said that Miami fans will be embarrassed on Christmas when the Jets beat us on national television.
Jacobs actually makes good points except when his hatred for the Dolphins overides his intelligence. The best thing to do is call in and rag on him for being a jet supporter.
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