Foxsports Power Rankings | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Foxsports Power Rankings

Yeah, these rankings are pretty off. Bills are good, but shouldn't be ahead of the Steelers, Falcons, Eagles, or Chiefs who all played excellent football last weekend. I can see them somewhere in the 9-14 range right now. Also, the Dolphins should be rated higher than #28 after a great performance.
wow, that's almost worse than Prisco's.... what is wrong with these people? they are making too many moves on that list based on one week...
This guy is a freakin moron. We're top 15 after week 1. How can the Texans be ahead of us? & the Redskins, after their pathetic showing?
Let the A** post what he wants. Remember that it is just his opinion and he is entitled to it, as worthless as it may be. After this week, when we win a tough division battle in NY, they will all sing a totally different tune. They are wondering right now if we are one hit wonders.
larfo2224 said:
Let the A** post what he wants. Remember that it is just his opinion and he is entitled to it, as worthless as it may be. After this week, when we win a tough division battle in NY, they will all sing a totally different tune. They are wondering right now if we are one hit wonders.

:yeahthat: :billsbite :nesucks: :jetssuck:

Go Dolphins
Why do so many people care so much about rankings?

We dont get anything because 1 national guy thinks we are 3rd or whatever. Means nothing. This guy could just be a Bills fan.

People need to realize that these national guys are just football fans, like us, that get paid to give their opinions, unlike most of us. No one can tell the furture.

Also, its amazing how fans overreact after one game. I dont get it. If the Dolphins or Bills lose next week, most fans will be looking to fire or bench someone.

Its kind of funny.

The Truth is, the 1st 4 weeks of the season is basically an extended preseason. The only differece is that starters play all game and the games count. Once we get into the 2nd month, we start to see who the contenders and the pretenders are.
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