Freddie Mitchell.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Freddie Mitchell....


Finheaven VIP
Club Member
Feb 13, 2005
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the Eagles jsut released "fred-ex"...should we take a chance on him.....i wouldn't mind this if he came cheap, but he has character issues for an average reciever
He could talk trash about Belicheck twice a year here on the Dolphins :roflmao:

This time he'd actually be able to back it up to, Saban is going to have the Patriots number :tongue:
Nublar7 said:
I don't want him. He is all talk and no talent.

I completely agree. You better be TO or Randy Moss to make as much noise as he does. The way he dodges passes if he even THINKS he might get hit is unacceptable. :shakeno:

Then again, we could always use another janitor. We could give him a contract for $10k a year for 7 years. :cooldude:
even suggesting this is appauling. "Fred X" is going to have a hard time finding a job and he can thank his idiotic mouth for that. Seriously, is this guy idiotic or something, he's dug his own grave and probably doesn't even know it.
dolfan005 said:
the Eagles jsut released "fred-ex"...should we take a chance on him.....i wouldn't mind this if he came cheap, but he has character issues for an average reciever

Come on, Philly isnt that deep at WR, we all know why they released him. He talks a big game for a #4 WR. :lol:
I think that the Pats should sign that he will know there secondary #'s real well.
so much potential in this jerk though... hes like a david terrell but he talks way to much ****... i wouldn't touch him though, we dont need a locker room cancer, wouldn't be surprised to see him on the raiders, haha
Semedi said:
He could talk trash about Belicheck twice a year here on the Dolphins :roflmao:

This time he'd actually be able to back it up to, Saban is going to have the Patriots number :tongue:

keep dreaming.........

living in Philly i see Fred-X all year, and he is junk...

a-whole lot of mouth for having 1 or 2 games a season...not worth the hassle...Boston is a better option
patsdynasty said:
keep dreaming.........
Being that your coach was happy Nick got his shot at the NFL but was unhappy he was in the same Division its going to get interesting once Nick gets his feet wet..but im sure that Pats fans are glad Wanny is out of the division :rolleyes:
I would think some team like the Raiders or the Panthers would prob be more interested in him. IMO, we are only interested in Boston,Hakim and Lee.
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