Hi everybody!!
Its a pleasure to found this site, and all of you..
Well, Iam a 33 guy, with about 25 years of be a dolphfan..., Iam really exciting because this year finally!!, I'll be in two games of dolphins (jets and titans)I already have tickets!! We expect (me, wife and daughter) to enjoy a nice vacations the next december in Miami and be part of this renovated team...
Un saludo para todos los que hablen español... y ojala pueda hacer algunos amigos por allla!!
see you!
Its a pleasure to found this site, and all of you..
Well, Iam a 33 guy, with about 25 years of be a dolphfan..., Iam really exciting because this year finally!!, I'll be in two games of dolphins (jets and titans)I already have tickets!! We expect (me, wife and daughter) to enjoy a nice vacations the next december in Miami and be part of this renovated team...
Un saludo para todos los que hablen español... y ojala pueda hacer algunos amigos por allla!!
see you!